The rise of persecution against the global church is undeniable. While many Christians in the West may feel insulated from the realities of suffering for their faith, the truth is persecution is no longer a distant issue—it’s knocking on our doors.

Across the globe, millions of believers are being harassed, displaced, imprisoned, and even killed because they profess Christ. According to the Open Doors World Watch List 2025, the statistics are staggering—and deeply sobering.

The report reveals that over 380 million Christians worldwide face high levels of persecution. In the top 50 nations on the list, 310 million believers experience extreme forms of discrimination and violence simply for following Jesus. To put it in perspective, 1 in every 7 Christians worldwide is persecuted for their faith, with that number rising to 1 in 5 in Africa and 2 in 5 in Asia. This is not just a crisis; it’s a spiritual war being played out in plain sight.

Let’s break it down further. In just the past year:

4,476 Christians were martyred, losing their lives for the sake of the Gospel.

7,679 churches or Christian buildings were attacked, often burned or destroyed in deliberate attempts to silence worship.

4,744 believers were detained, arrested, or imprisoned without trial.

These aren’t just numbers; they are lives—men, women, and children—who are paying a price for the name of Jesus.

This is Jennifer LeClaire, and this is the Prayer Warrior’s podcast. This podcast is sponsored by Awakening Prayer Hubs. I’m raising up intercessors all over the world. You could be next. Join us at

The 2025 World Watch List names North Korea as the most dangerous place to be a Christian, a nation where even owning a Bible can lead to imprisonment or death. Somalia and Yemen follow closely, where conversion from Islam is seen as treason punishable by death. In Nigeria, the epicenter of Christian persecution in Africa, militant groups like Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen relentlessly attack Christian villages, resulting in mass killings and kidnappings.

But persecution isn’t limited to faraway lands. It’s creeping into Western nations in subtler ways. Cancel culture, legal restrictions on religious freedoms, and growing hostility toward biblical values are all signs of a shift. If we don’t stand strong in faith now, how will we endure when the pressure increases?

As persecution rises, we have a responsibility to act. The Apostle Paul urged Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12), and that’s exactly what the global church must do. Here are three ways we can respond:

Prayer is not a passive act; it’s warfare. Lift up those who are suffering, asking God to strengthen them, give them boldness, and comfort their families. Pray also for the persecutors, that their hearts would be softened and their eyes opened to the truth of the Gospel.

Many Christians are unaware of the extent of persecution around the world. Share the stories of the persecuted with your church, small group, and community. Partner with organizations like Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs to educate others and advocate for change.

Financial support for ministries that aid persecuted Christians can provide much-needed resources, from Bibles and shelter to legal aid and trauma counseling. Your giving can make an eternal impact.

The days ahead will not be easy. Jesus Himself warned that “you will be hated by all nations because of me” (Matthew 24:9). But He also promised that those who endure to the end will be saved. This is not the time for complacency. It’s a time to rise up as the body of Christ, unified and unshaken, ready to contend for the faith and support our brothers and sisters on the frontlines.

Persecution may be rising, but so is the resolve of God’s people. We are not victims; we are victors. The church will not be silenced, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Let’s press into God’s heart for the persecuted and let their courage inspire us to stand boldly in our own faith. The battle is real, but the victory is already ours in Christ.

Here are 37 prayer points.

Repent for apathy in praying for the persecuted church. Rend your heart and ask God to forgive you (see Joel 2:13)

Surrender afresh and come with willing, obedient hearts to stand in the gap for the persecuted church (see James 4:10; Galatians 2:20; Ezekiel 2:30).

Thank the Lord that He upholds the persecuted church with His Righteous Right hand (see Isaiah 40:10).

Pray God would mantle the persecuted church with His Spirit of might (see Isaiah 11:2). Pray He will strengthen their feeble arms and weak knees (see Hebrews 12:12).

Pray intercessors would be persistent in prayer, staying alert with all perseverance for those in the midst of persecution.

Pray that as the persecuted church continues to open their mouth, words would be given to them to boldly make known the mystery of the Gospel (see Ephesians 18-20; Hebrews 13:3).

Pray persecuted Christians would keep their hope and trust in Jesus through the fire of persecution (see Eph. 1:18; 1 Pet. 5:10)

Pray the hearts of those who make up the persecuted church will not fail them for fear. Pray they will keep their hands to the plough and not look back (see Luke 21:26; Luke 9:62)

Pray the Lord fills the persecuted church with His joy and peace in being steadfast in believing (see Romans 15:13).

Pray for the ministry of angels around the persecuted church (see Hebrews 1:14; Psalm 34:7). Pray God’s protection over their lives (see Psalm 91).

Pray the Lord provides His supernatural provision for every need the persecuted may have (see Philippians 4:19)

Pray the persecuted church will be drawn by Holy Spirit to remain in a mindset of prayer and worship despite their circumstances like Paul and Silas (see Acts 16:25).

Pray that we the church will bear one another’s burdens and in so doing we fulfill the law of Christ (see Galatians 6:2).

Pray believers who are being scattered because of persecution will find homes and shelter. Pray they are blessed going out and coming in (see Psalm 91; Acts 11:19).

Bind every hindering and harassing spirit coming against the persecuted church. Pray demonic spirits would not succeed to disrupt the prayer movement, prophetic flow, and advancement of the church (see Acts 13:50).

Pray that the church is blessed in her persecution with a greater revelation of Jesus and the comfort of the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 5:10).

Pray the Body of Christ gains understanding of the revelation of persecution in our day and prepares its heart for the days ahead. Pray that the church uses wisdom about where to go and what to do in this hour (see Proverbs 4:7-8).

Pray for those who have left homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields amidst persecution so that they may receive eternal life and abundant blessing in this age and that to come (see Mark 10:29-31).

Pray those experiencing persecution would find a way of escape in a dream or vision just as you showed Joseph and Mary and others (see Matthew 2:13).

Pray those suffering from persecution would continue to run their race and to not grow weary nor give up. Pray they would keep their eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of their faith (see Hebrews 12:1-3).

Pray the persecuted would love and do good to their enemies, bless those who curse them, and pray for those who mistreat them. Pray that they would continue praying, singing, and praising the Lord by faith in the face of persecution, which would draw unbelievers’ hearts to the Lord (see Luke 6:27-31; Acts 16:16-36).

Pray for the strengthening of the faith of believers enduring affliction. For the momentary light affliction is producing an eternal weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:16-17).

Pray His perfect love would cast out all fear among those suffering for Christ’s sake (see 1 John 4:18).

Pray the Church would grow throughout the nations despite persecution. Pray that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (see Matthew 10:18; Philippians 2:10-11).

Pray the persecuted 5-fold would walk in His wisdom and courage as they continue to preach the word, proclaim the gospel, exhort, and endure suffering (2 Timothy 4:1-2; 5)

Pray Bibles and other resources would be made available to the persecuted church worldwide (see 2 Timothy 3:16–17).

Pray for justice and vindication for those enduring persecution (see Luke 18:1–8; Romans 12:19).

Pray leaders in nations would make wise decisions regarding religious liberty (see Proverbs 29:2).

Pray those persecuting the church would have a Damascus Road encounter with Jesus that turns them into preachers of the gospel (see Acts 9:3-6).

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