
Recommended Resources

Digital Resources to Host Your Hub

FreeConferenceCallHD.com is a free conference calling bridge.

– Google Meet offers a free account for 60 minutes and up to 100 people. You can sign up at https://meet.google.com.

– Zoom offers a free account for 40 minutes. but you can also set up a time to use our Zoom-based Firewall. Contact launch@awakeningprayerhubs.com to enquire about being part of our 24/7 firewall.

Gotomeeting.com has a $14 a month plan if you like that platform.

Resources to Promote Your Hub

– Check out the Q&A section for videos such as “Leveraging Media to Promote Your Prayer Hub and How to Recruit Intercessors to Your Prayer Hub

– Stream Your Meeting on the Awakening Prayer Hubs Facebook Page. (Contact the Launch team to get set up)

– Check out the social media banners in this leadership portal.

Resources for Equipping

-Enroll in the SchooloftheSpirit.tv courses.
Visit www.schoolofthespirit.tv.

-Subscribe to the Praying the News with Jennifer LeClaire Podcasts wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit www.jenniferleclaire.org/prayingthenews

-Read the articles on the Awakening Prayer Hubs Praying the News Section.Visit http://awakeningprayerhubs.com/globalprayerroom/

-Check out Spiritual Warfare Saturdays in the APH Leadership Facebook Group.