Pray for West Virginia | 5050 Campaign

Pray for West Virginia | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Pray for Washington | 5050 Campaign

Pray for Washington | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Pushing Back the Powers of Darkness in Your City

Pushing Back the Powers of Darkness in Your City

Witches are gathering in droves in major cities around the world to release the power of witchcraft—and even death. Children are in danger from evil people who prey upon the innocent during dark celebrations. The media is propagating wickedness and retail outlets are...
Resistiendo los Poderes de la Oscuridad en tu Ciudad

Resistiendo los Poderes de la Oscuridad en tu Ciudad

Las brujas se están reuniendo en masa en las principales ciudades del mundo para liberar el poder de la brujería, e incluso de la muerte. Los niños están en peligro por personas malvadas que se aprovechan de los inocentes durante celebraciones oscuras. Los medios de...
Repousser les Ténèbres dans Votre Ville

Repousser les Ténèbres dans Votre Ville

Les sorcières se rassemblent en masse dans les grandes villes du monde entier pour libérer le pouvoir de la sorcellerie—et même de la mort. Les enfants sont en danger à cause des personnes malveillantes qui s’en prennent aux innocents pendant les célébrations...


巫师们正在世界各大城市成群结队地聚集,释放巫术的力量,甚至死亡的力量。儿童正面临邪恶之人的危险,这些人在黑暗的庆典期间专门捕猎无辜者。媒体正在传播邪恶,零售商通过出售邪恶的服装赚取巨额利润。 我们正处于一个不仅庆祝黑暗,而且美化黑暗的季节。作为光明的子女,我们被呼召让我们的光芒照耀出去。我们其中一种方式就是通过祷告——与耶和华基波尔(战士之神)共同作战,确信黑暗永远无法战胜我们的光明。 使徒保罗警告我们,不要与黑暗无果的行为有任何交往,而是要揭露它们(以弗所书...
Pray for Virginia | 5050 Campaign

Pray for Virginia | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Pray for Vermont | 5050 Campaign

Pray for Vermont | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Pray for Utah | 5050 Campaign

Pray for Utah | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Pray for Texas | 5050 Campaign

Pray for Texas | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Prophesy” state, Texas is a colossal presence in the United States both in size and impact. Economically, Texas is one of the largest contributors to the national GDP. The state is a powerhouse in various industries, including oil and gas,...