Prier pour un Réveil sur la Montagne de la Famille

Prier pour un Réveil sur la Montagne de la Famille

La montagne de la famille est une pierre angulaire de la société, un pilier établi par Dieu pour nourrir, protéger et guider Son peuple. Pourtant, dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, la famille est assiégée, et le besoin d’un réveil sur la montagne de la famille n’a jamais...


家庭领域是社会的基石——这是上帝设立的一个支柱,用来培育、保护并引导祂的子民。然而,在当今世界,家庭正受到攻击,对家庭领域复兴的需求从未如此迫切。本月,Awakening Prayer Hubs 将目光投向这一关键领域,为神的恢复和救赎充满全球的家庭而代求。让我们一起来探讨什么是家庭领域、为什么需要复兴、复兴的阻力是什么,以及复兴的家庭领域会是什么样子。 什么是家庭领域?...
Praying for Revival on the Family Mountain

Praying for Revival on the Family Mountain

The family mountain is a cornerstone of society—a pillar God established to nurture, protect, and guide His people. Yet, in today’s world, the family is under siege, and the need for revival on the family mountain has never been more urgent. This month, Awakening...
South Korea in Political Chaos: How To Pray Now

South Korea in Political Chaos: How To Pray Now

In a late-night emergency address on December 3, 2024, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law, citing the need to eliminate “pro-North Korean” elements and protect the nation’s constitutional order. This unprecedented move led to violent...


世界正站在悬崖边缘,摇摇欲坠于前所未有的全球冲突。俄罗斯和乌克兰之间敌对行动的升级已达到令人担忧的高度,最新消息显示,俄罗斯发射了针对乌克兰基础设施的洲际弹道导弹。 这标志着冲突的显著升级,将核战争的阴影推到聚光灯下。 与此同时,中东地区陷入动荡。以色列与哈马斯之间持续的战争愈演愈烈,吸引了周边国家的介入,并威胁引发更广泛的地区冲突。在黎巴嫩,以色列军队与真主党之间的冲突似乎正在缓和,尽管伊朗将停火视为重新整合的机会。...
На пороге Третьей мировой войны: молитвы, чтобы остановить хаос

На пороге Третьей мировой войны: молитвы, чтобы остановить хаос

Мир стоит на краю пропасти, балансируя на грани беспрецедентного глобального конфликта. Эскалация враждебных действий между Россией и Украиной достигла тревожных высот, и последние сообщения свидетельствуют о том, что Россия запустила межконтинентальные баллистические...
Media Wars: Praying for Integrity on the Media Mountain

Media Wars: Praying for Integrity on the Media Mountain

In today’s world, we’re inundated with news, opinions, and commentary from every direction. The advent of social media has made it easier than ever for anyone with a smartphone to share their thoughts, regardless of accuracy or bias. The danger is clear: what once was...