Many people believe slavery ended over a century ago. Although slavery is no longer legal, or socially accepted, it never ended. Slavery doesn’t look the same as it did during the 300 years of transatlantic slave trade. Indeed, slavery has taken on a new face.

Everyone should be free. And yet, through force, fraud, and coercion, human traffickers violate this most basic right. Traffickers’ exploitative practices affect every country in the world, including the United States, by diminishing and destroying our communities, sense of security, and the global economy.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates there are 24.9 million victims of human trafficking around the world. Of those 20.1 million are labor trafficking victims. Another 4.8 million are sex trafficking victims. 3.8 million victims were adults, and 1 million were children. Globally, 99% of victims were women and girls.

Sign our petition to end modern-day slavery here.

This month Awakening Prayer Hubs is taking up the cause of human trafficking. With prayer and faith-inspired action, we can make a difference.

Enter into Identificational repentance for greed (idolatry), violence, and sexual immorality in the land. Pray these strongholds are uprooted from the foundation of your city (see Dan. 9:1-19; Gal. 5:19-21).

Pray for an exposure of human trafficking rings around the world and that traffickers would be brought to swift justice (see Luke 12:2; Ps. 7:9). Decree every person preying on children or luring people into human trafficking is detected and dealt with justly and swiftly (see John 1:5; Deut. 32:4; Ps. 9:7-8)

Pray human traffickers and buyers will find their transactions interrupted and their wicked plans frustrated in their plots (see Ps. 9:16; 10:15; 146:9).

Pray God will bring confusion into the enemy’s camp so that his human trafficking schemes are unorganized and ineffective (see Deut. 7:23; Ps. 71:24).

Pray for legislation to be enacted that makes it easier to arrest, charge and prosecute human traffickers.

Pray for FBI and other investigation units to track down and capture human traffickers.

Pray for the rescue of those enslaved in human trafficking in your city and that the Lord would restore back to them the years the swarming locust has eaten (see Ps. 82:4; Joel 2:25). Pray God would deliver them and rescue them from bondage and death (Ps. 68:20).

Pray for justice, salvation, and healing of human trafficking victims (see Ps. 146:7; Luke 19:10; Jer. 30:17).

Pray for deliverance for those who have been human trafficked and their traffickers. Pray they see the light of God through believers and glorify God (see Matt. 15:16).

Pray for an end to corruption committed by governmental officials linked with human trafficking (see Amos 5:12-15; Neh. 9:13). Decree righteousness and justice would be the foundation of the government and the land (Ps. 89:14) (Prov. 29:4)

Pray human traffickers would have a supernatural encounter with the Lord producing a repentance unto salvation (see 2 Pet. 3:9).

Pray for an increase in movements, campaigns, and initiatives to fight against human trafficking would arise and emerge from the Church (see Matt. 9:37-38; Ps. 133). Pray for the Lord to raise up those who will be the voice for those caught in human trafficking like Moses to Pharaoh (see Ex. 5:1).

Pray for deliverance ministers trained in areas of spiritual healing to enter the prisons and mental hospitals to heal those abused by human traffickers (Matt. 15:16; Mark 16:17-18).

Pray for peace and comfort for the families of those affected by human trafficking. Pray that the families will be restored and wounds healed (Is. 53:5).

Pray for the spouses, friends, and family members of human trafficked victims to have understanding and wisdom on how to help those affected by human trafficking (James 1:5).

Pray for those affected by human trafficking to experience the love of God in a fresh new way and that they will turn their hearts to Him as Abba Father (John 3:16, Rom. 8:35-39).

Would you pray with us this month? Join the movement. Launch a hub, join a hub or sponsor a hub at

If you suspect someone is a victim or perpetrator of human trafficking, call 911 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888.