Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nationalism is driving the war on Ukraine. I prophesied about the rise and the danger of nationalism on New Year’s Eve 2021. I didn’t expect it to lead to war this soon.
Nationalism is “a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries.”
Nationalism caused World War I and World War II. History repeats itself., “Nationalism not only induces wars but, through the severity of its influence, makes compromise and acceptance of defeat more difficult. It thus tends to prolong the duration and increase the severity of wars.”
I heard the Lord say, “Nationalism is going to hit an all-time high as resources become more scarce. Many nations with resources to trade will try to take pole positions and power positions but will demand more than what can be paid. Secret trade deals are being negotiated that will cause some goat nations to prosper at the expense of sheep nations. But I hate unjust scales and I will repay. Let yourselves be Kingdom-minded not nations-minded and you will carry the authority to overturn the enemy’s plans in the nations who call upon My name.”
I prophesied that nations are going to begin shaking even more, our feet must be planted firmly in the Kingdom of God.
Awakening Prayer Hubs’ theme this month is Wars and Rumors of Wars. Will you pray with us? Join the movement at
Pray our hearts will be ready and steady for the times of war that lie ahead (see Matt. 24).
Pray for peacemakers that you have purposed for these times to help an increased hostile and angry world (see James 4:1; Matt 5:9).
Pray to shut down wars that can be prevented and to mitigate the impact of the enemy’s work in the earth for the sake of souls (see Matt 24:6-8).
Pray for breakthrough of governmental leaders of nations to find salvation and true peace in Christ Jesus with a restoration of harmony of nations with God so peace will cover the land (see Isaiah 2:4)
Pray for the Body of Christ to be awake and prepared for the times ahead—and not be surprised by the sudden destruction that will occur when everything looks stable (see 1 Thess. 5:3).
Pray the hearts of nations are turned toward the Lord (see Psalm 33:12)
Pray the church would know the Word of God, and hunger after truth so we are not deceived by false Christs that are arising and will continue to arise (see Matt 24:5, 51).
Pray believers will be us be about your business on the earth in peace times, calamity, and times of war (see Ecc. 3:8).
Pray governmental leaders of nations lay down their pride and desires before the Lord and seek His will, kingdom, and righteousness (see James 4:1-6)
Pray against the division that resides in nations and speak forth peace (see Matthew 12:15; Mark 9:50).
Pray governmental leaders would bow to Him and nations would serve Him (see Psalm 72:11)
Pray a righteous remnant full of wisdom would surround governmental leaders of nations with counsel (Proverbs 11:14)
Pray the hearts of the remnant would not fear in war-torn countries (see Psalm 27:3)
Pray the intercessors and watchmen rise up and fight with weapons of warfare that are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds for war-torn countries (2 Corinthians 10:4) (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
Pray the hearts of nations around the world would turn to and place their hope in the Lord. That every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (see Psalm 22:27-28; Philippians 2:10-11).
Pray restoration of nations back to the heart of the Father (see Deuteronomy 8:11-14).
Pray governmental leaders would not boast in their wisdom, might, or riches, but boast in the Lord. Pray love, justice, and righteousness would cover the nations of the earth (see Jeremiah 9:23-24).
Pray God will raise up Josephs to provide solutions during the times of famine that are coming on the earth (see Matt 24:7).
Pray for wisdom and solutions for the problems coming up on the earth. May we provide relief and solutions to the pestilences come upon the earth drawing people to you (see Luke 21:11).
Pray we would not faint in times of adversity but stand strong in the Lord, keeping our eyes on You and what You are doing in the earth (see Jer. 51:46; Heb. 12:2-4).
Pray for God to raise up voices of warning to those who do not know the Lord so they will not perish (see Ez. 3:20; Ps. 19:11).
Awakening Prayer Hubs is looking for 1,000 prayer warriors to raise up as prayer leaders—prophetic solutionists to problems in your city and nation. Start a hub or launch a hub. Find out more at