I’m saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn’t let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris.
The truth is, the intercession of the saints always precedes the salvation of souls. Put another way, surges of intercession drive surges of salvation.
The great soul winner Reinhard Bonnke knew this. He once said, “Evangelism without intercession is like an explosive without a detonator.” Bonnke called intercession a power channel. And the Great Awakening evangelist Charles Finney hung up his mantle after his faithful intercessor Daniel Nash went on to glory.
Will you join me on a 31-day journey to pray for souls to come into the Kingdom of God from every tongue, tribe and nation?
In 31 days, you can pray for every nation on the face of the earth in just a few minutes a day. If God blesses anything, He blesses prayers for the Great Commission. And I believe some of the greatest rewards in eternity will go to the intercessors who stand in the gap for souls.
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest.”