
With the House of Representatives adopting an abortion rights bill as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to weigh the issue, it’s clear the enemy is shaking in his proverbial boots. The bill would protect abortion services and pre-empt many restrictions Republicans have passed at the state level, such as those requiring ultrasounds or other tests.

This bill comes as a reaction to a recently passed near-total abortion ban in Texas and aims to codify into federal law the right to an abortion. The new Texas law effectively bans abortions around six weeks. Florida is now considering a near-ban on abortion law similar to what Texas passed.

Although Guttmacher Institute reports the number of abortions fell by 196,000 between 2011 and 2017, the decline is a drop in the bucket. In 2018, there were 888,000 abortions in the United States alone, up from 876,000 abortions in 2018. Only nine countries in the world have a higher reported abortion rate than the United States: Bulgaria, Cuba, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russian, Sweden and Ukraine.

God hates murder and abortion is murder (see Exodus 20:13). Psalm 139:13-16 tells us all our days are predestined and every child has a purpose. As intercessors, we must stand in the gap to rescue future babies being led to the slaughter houses called abortion clinics (see Prov. 24:11). We must seek to protect the children, who are a gift and heritage from the Lord and fruit of the womb (see Psalm 127:3-5). Shedding innocent blood of pre-born babies is an abomination to the Lord (see Prov. 6:16-17).

Awakening Prayer Hubs’ October 2021 prayer focus is Abolishing Abortion. Join with us in corporate prayer by registering for church-wide monthly prophetic intercession. Here are our prayer points:

Father, we repent for allowing abortion—the murder of innocent babies—to rage in our nation. Forgive us, Father, for times we’ve been complacent over this critical issue.

Father, fill us with Your love for the unborn so we can contend for them out of the passion of Your heart. Help us love the babies as we love ourselves (see Matthew 22:3; Matthew 22:39).

Pray the Lord will minister to the terrified women who don’t know how they are going to raise a baby. Open the eyes of their heart and help them see that You will defend and protect them and their child if they choose life (see Ephesians 1:18). Give these women a deep love for their unborn child.

Pray the church will rise up and be willing to help women with unexpected pregnancies to find alternatives to abortion, such as adoption (see Proverbs 31:31, Isaiah 66:13).

Pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit fall upon every abortion doctor, abortion nurse, abortion administrators and all others who have a hand in the murder of innocent babies so they can remove their foot from evil (see John 16:8). Give them dreams at night and visions by day that reveal to them the wicked work of their hands so they can repent.

Pray that the eyes of the people around the world—believers and unbelievers—will be opened to see the value in every unborn child. Help them recognize that each baby is so valuable that God ordained each and every day before one of them came to be. The unformed baby is so valuable that God writes the baby’s days in His book (see Psalm 139:16).

Pray abortion doctors and nurses will look to God, and that the Father’s mercy may touch their hearts (see Exodus 20:13).

Pray for pro-life organizations and intercessors to stand firm on the call to preserve life and pray without ceasing (see Galatians 1:15).

Pray the fathers of the unborn babies will have love for their unborn child and a conviction to raise them up in the way they should go (see 2 Corinthians 6:18).

Pray women with unexpected pregnancies find the courage in God and grace to say “no” to Satan’s plans to murder their babies (see Matthew 16:23).

Pray the Body of Christ would unite in the plight against abortion, that there be no schisms within Your Bride (see 2 Corinthians 13:11).

Take authority of the Spirit of murder drawing people to sacrifice to the spirit Molech (see Leviticus 20:1-8).

Pray for dignity of every human life will be respected and protected from conception to natural death, even after an attempt to abort a baby (see Genesis 1:27; Genesis 9:6).

Pray for all those who have had an abortion, mother, and father and all those who agreed to this act, would repent and turn to Jesus for healing and find salvation (see Act 2:23)

Pray for the deliverance of every woman who has had an abortion, that the blood of Christ will cover them out of darkness, and that they will know that there is hope (see Psalm 139:13-16).

Awakening Prayer Hubs is a prayer movement endorsed by Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, Bishop Bill Hamon and many other prophetic and prayer movement leaders. We’re looking for 1,000 prayer warriors to raise up as prayer leaders to contend for revival and awakening in your city.

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