
Pray for West Virginia | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Breakthrough” state, West Virginia is rich in natural resources, such […]

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Pray for Washington | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as “The Whirlwind” State, Washington is home to some of the […]

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Pushing Back the Powers of Darkness in Your City

Witches are gathering in droves in major cities around the world to release the power of witchcraft—and even death. Children are in danger from evil people who prey upon the innocent during dark celebrations. The media is propagating wickedness and retail outlets are making small fortunes selling evil costumes. We’re in a season where darkness […]

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Resistiendo los Poderes de la Oscuridad en tu Ciudad

Las brujas se están reuniendo en masa en las principales ciudades del mundo para liberar el poder de la brujería, e incluso de la muerte. Los niños están en peligro por personas malvadas que se aprovechan de los inocentes durante celebraciones oscuras. Los medios de comunicación están propagando la maldad, y los comercios están haciendo […]

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Repousser les Ténèbres dans Votre Ville

Les sorcières se rassemblent en masse dans les grandes villes du monde entier pour libérer le pouvoir de la sorcellerie—et même de la mort. Les enfants sont en danger à cause des personnes malveillantes qui s’en prennent aux innocents pendant les célébrations sombres. Les médias propagent la méchanceté, et les magasins de détail font fortune […]

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巫师们正在世界各大城市成群结队地聚集,释放巫术的力量,甚至死亡的力量。儿童正面临邪恶之人的危险,这些人在黑暗的庆典期间专门捕猎无辜者。媒体正在传播邪恶,零售商通过出售邪恶的服装赚取巨额利润。 我们正处于一个不仅庆祝黑暗,而且美化黑暗的季节。作为光明的子女,我们被呼召让我们的光芒照耀出去。我们其中一种方式就是通过祷告——与耶和华基波尔(战士之神)共同作战,确信黑暗永远无法战胜我们的光明。 使徒保罗警告我们,不要与黑暗无果的行为有任何交往,而是要揭露它们(以弗所书 5:11)。我们可以揭露邪恶的灵体和邪恶之人的诡计,并通过代祷将其摧毁。我们需要站在守望塔上,窥探敌人的营地,禁止其在我们的城市和国家中实施其诡计和计划。 我们在“觉醒祷告中心”这个月的主题是“抵挡黑暗势力”。请在这个关键时刻与我们一起祷告! 悔改:祈求悔改的灵笼罩整个城市,带领人们从罪恶的道路上回转。为你所在城市历史上的任何过错寻求宽恕。 属灵的辨别力和智慧:祈求神赐给代祷者、家长、老师、警察等人辨别和智慧,能识别巫术和邪恶影响的迹象并加以推翻。 揭露隐藏的黑暗:祈求神揭露并暴露城市中任何隐藏的涉及巫术或邪教实践的地方或个人。 神圣的保护:祈求神在你的城市上空——以及城市中的人们——设置一层保护盾,守护他们免受一切形式的邪恶和伤害。 破除巫术任务:祈求神破除并取消任何可能在你城市中运行的巫术或黑暗势力的任务。宣告它们在这座城市中没有力量或权柄。 捆绑邪灵:借助耶稣的力量捆绑并驱逐可能影响你城市中人们的任何邪灵或恶势力。 拆毁坚固堡垒:祈求破除任何可能使你的城市受制于邪恶影响的属灵坚固堡垒。 巫师和作恶者的悔改:为那些参与巫术的人悔改和得救祷告,愿他们远离黑暗,拥抱基督的光明。 圣灵之火:祈求圣灵之火洁净和净化你的城市,烧毁一切形式的邪恶和巫术。 为执法部门的智慧祷告:祈求为执法人员赐下智慧和辨别力,使他们公正地履行职责,并保护无辜者。 “觉醒祷告中心”正在寻找1,000名祷告勇士,为世界各地的城市和国家挺身而出。加入这个运动,请访问:www.awakeningprayerhubs.com。 I PRAYED

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Pray for Virginia | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Covenant Root” state, Virginia is one of the United […]

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Pray for Vermont | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as “The Passover” State, Vermont was the first state to abolish […]

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Pray for Utah | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Worship” State, Utah is a Mormon stronghold. The state […]

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Pray for Texas | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Prophesy” state, Texas is a colossal presence in the United States both in size and impact.

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Pray for Tennesse | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Covenant Blessing” state, Tennessee has become iconic on the […]

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The Awakening Fast Pulls on 17-Year Old Prophecy

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and spoke a lengthy word to me about America. I have read over these words often over the years since then, and I’ve seen parts of this prophecy unfold. I am waiting for the ultimate fulfillment. I heard the Lord say: “There is a […]

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Pray for South Dakota | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “The Stronghold” state, South Dakota is home to some […]

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Pray for South Carolina | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Reverse the Curse” State, South Carolina played a crucial […]

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Pray for Rhode Island | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as “The Miracle State,” Rhode Island, the smallest state in the […]

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Pray for Pennsylvania | 5050 State

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Governmental Shift” State, Pennsylvania was one of the original […]

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Aggressive Prayers Against Political Violence

An assassin tried to kill former President Trump in July, and there’s no assurance that evil actors won’t try to kill him, President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris or politicians around the world, in the days ahead. No nation is immune to these incidents. In 2022, the Lord gave me several prophetic words about political […]

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7 月份,一名刺客试图刺杀前总统特朗普,并且不能保证邪恶的行为者在未来几天不会试图刺杀他、拜登总统、副总统卡马拉·哈里斯或世界各地的政客。 没有哪个国家能免受这些事件的影响。 2022年,主给了我几句关于政治暴力的预言。不久之后,发生了一系列暗杀企图,其中包括谋杀海地总统。阿根廷副总统险些被暗杀,因为这位潜在凶手的枪卡壳了。 政治暴力似乎正在香蕉共和国和较黑暗的国家之外蔓延,在那里福音遇到了严重的阻力。政治暴力正在欧洲和美国酝酿——如果我们不本着精神表明立场,我相信情况只会变得更糟。 根据 PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist 的最新民意调查,五分之一的美国成年人认为,美国人可能不得不诉诸暴力才能让自己的国家重回正轨。专家表示,这将使国家在 2024 年总统选举前的几个月处于“极其危险的境地”。 但同样,这不仅仅是美国的问题。我们在世界各地看到政治暴力,包括政变、恐怖主义、种族冲突、种族灭绝等等。 同样,我们倾向于同意这是不可接受的,但我们的祈祷是否符合我们的信仰?我们需要。在许多国家,这种担忧正在加剧、合理,甚至可能迫在眉睫。恐惧开始上升。 八月,觉醒祈祷中心反对政治暴力。你愿意和我们一起祈祷吗?祈祷要点如下。请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch。 让我们祈祷: 对任何叛乱、政治暴力和无政府状态表示忏悔。 祈求主光照并揭露政治领域任何策划的暴力计划或邪恶议会。祈求上帝揭露任何推动政治暴力的邪灵,以便我们能够击退他们的恶行(见以西结书 11:1-4)。 祈求保护,免受那些试图在政府山上煽动暴力的人的侵害(见诗篇 140:4。) 祈祷暴力和破坏不再出现在我们的境内(见以赛亚书 60:18) 祈求各国领导人和民选官员以智慧和敬畏耶和华的心来领导(见诗篇 2:10-11)。 祈求我们城市的和平与繁荣(见诗篇 122:7) 随着末日事件的升级,祈求神对各国有完美的计划。站在国家的缺口上,以便主得到他的奖赏(见诗篇 96:14,箴言 16:9,以西结书 22:30)。 祈求上帝兴起合他心意的人担任各国的领导职务,向他们指示正确的道路(见但以理书 2:21;诗篇 25:9;约翰福音 14:26)。 为政府领导人和警察部门祈求智慧,帮助他们应对我们所处的这种政治暴力气氛(见雅各书 1:5;诗篇 5:8)。 祈祷各国按照上帝的设计划定界限(见申命记 32:8;以赛亚书 41:10)。 祷告反对无政府主义的精神(见马可福音 4:39;罗马书 13:1-7)。 祈祷政治对手能够谦卑自己,以真理和恩典来竞选,而不是侮辱和谎言(马太福音5:44;约翰福音7:24)。 祈求那些煽动纷争和纷争的不服从者和欺骗者被压制住(见提多书 1:10-13;箴言 13:10)。 祈祷煽动人们从事邪恶行为的政客在得逞之前就被揭露(彼得后书 1:21;罗马书 12:21;以弗所书 5:11;路加福音 1:37)。 为政治行动委员会招募和资助极端分子祷告(见约伯记 5:1)。 […]

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Oraciones Agresivas Contra la Violencia Política

Un asesino intentó matar al expresidente Trump en julio, y no hay garantía de que actores malvados no intenten matarlo a él, al presidente Biden, a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris o a políticos de todo el mundo, en los próximos días. Ninguna nación es inmune a estos incidentes. En 2022, el Señor me dio varias […]

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Prières Agressives Contre la Violence Politique

Un assassin a tenté de tuer l’ancien président Trump en juillet, et rien ne garantit que des acteurs maléfiques ne tenteront pas de le tuer, lui, le président Biden, la vice-présidente Kamala Harris ou des hommes politiques du monde entier, dans les jours à venir. Aucune nation n’est à l’abri de ces incidents. En 2022, […]

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Pray for Oregon | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Throw Jezebel Down” state, Oregon is rich in natural […]

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Pray for Ohio | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Swing the Sword” state, Ohio holds a significant place […]

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Are Historic Heat Waves a Sign of the Times?

By Lloyd Ray Williams While In the throes of a massive heat wave, at least 28 people have died across the United States. Is this a sign of the times? As of this writing, more than a million people are without power in Texas. This after a hurricane hit the Lone Star State four days […]

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Pray for North Dakota | 5050 Campaign

  As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050.  Known prophetically as the “New Wineskin” state, North Dakota is recognized for […]

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62,000 Christians Murdered in Nigeria

By Lloyd Ray Wiliams More than 62,000 Christians have been massacred in one country alone. Reports say Christian genocide is getting worse. According to multiple reports, Nigeria is the most dangerous country in world for Christians. Since 2001 more than 62,000 of our brothers and sisters in Christ have been massacred in that West African […]

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Awakening Nations One Soul at a Time

I’m saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn’t let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris. The truth is, the intercession of the saints always precedes the salvation of souls. Put […]

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Pray for North Carolina | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Shift and Release Wealth” state, North Carolina is home […]

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Pray for New York | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “His Kingdom” state, New York is the global center […]

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Rash of School Shooting Foreshadows More Violence to Come

By Lloyd Ray Williams Over this past week, there have been a series of school shootings. Texas, Michigan and Massachusetts have all been hit with this type of violence. In a mass shooting at a Splash Pad in Michigan, nine people were injured including children. Some were seriously injured. One eight-year-old was reportedly shot in […]

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Prophetic Dream: The Russian Giants Are Coming


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Pray for New Mexico | 5050 Campaign

  As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Supernatural State” New Mexico is known for its […]

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Pray for New Jersey | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Watchman State,” New Jersey is home to millions of […]

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Pray for New Hampshire | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Freedom State,” New Hampshire has a diverse landscape with […]

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Prayers to Purify the Global Prayer Movement

The Lord told me, “The enemy is trying to burn down the gates.” I prophesied this at the beginning of 2024. Now, we’ve seen the prayer movement take a huge hit—and I am concerned that the prophetic movement is next. Intercessors are gatekeepers. They hold the keys to the Kingdom. But when intercessors are in […]

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Oraciones Para Purificar el Movimiento Mundial de Oración

El Señor me dijo: “El enemigo está tratando de quemar las puertas”. Profeticé esto a principios de 2024. Ahora hemos visto que el movimiento de oración ha recibido un gran golpe, y me preocupa que el movimiento profético sea el siguiente. Los intercesores son porteros. Tienen las llaves del Reino. Pero cuando los intercesores están […]

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Prières Pour Purifier le Mouvement Mondial de Prière

Le Seigneur m’a dit : “L’ennemi essaie de brûler les portes. “Je l’ai prophétisé début 2024. Maintenant, nous avons vu le mouvement de prière subir un énorme coup – et je crains que le mouvement prophétique ne soit le prochain. Les intercesseurs sont des gardiens. Ils détiennent les clés du Royaume. Mais lorsque les intercesseurs […]

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主告诉我:“敌人正试图烧毁城门。”我在 2024 年初就预言过这一点。 现在,我们已经看到祈祷运动受到了巨大的打击——我担心先知运动是下一个。 代祷者是看门人。他们掌握着王国的钥匙。但是,当代祷者受到不道德和偶像崇拜的束缚,因精神虐待或因隐藏的罪的揭露而受到伤害时,大门可能会受到某种程度的损害。 换句话说,许多代祷者并不在自己的岗位上。有些人离开了教会世界,并对震惊 IHOPKC 的丑闻感到失望。毫无疑问:这是敌人入侵预言运动的最佳时机。事实上,预言运动中的一些阵营已经受到损害,使他们很容易成为攻击目标。 这个月,觉醒祈祷中心正在祈祷先知运动的净化。在这里加入我们的祈祷活动。 让我们祈祷:对现代祈祷运动进行认同性悔改,包括虚假预言、贩卖预言性话语、性不道德、把先知变成名人、根据恩赐而不是品格提拔人、缺乏责任感等等。 祈求上帝以他的仁慈带领任性的先知悔改。 祈求神医治那些被教会拒绝、变得妥协甚至痛苦的先知们受伤的心。 祈求上帝拯救先知脱离耶洗别的影响、贪婪、炫耀、吹牛和追求名声。 祈求先知运动中所有的污秽得到净化。 求神揭露那些披着羊皮来贩卖圣徒的假先知。 祈求上帝净化先知运动,消除先知心中的每一点污点或皱纹。 为预言中新的圣洁运动祷告。 祈求对主的敬畏能够渗透到先知运动中。 当更多的先知被揭露他们的罪恶行径时,祈求上帝加强剩下的力量。 祈求上帝保护先知运动和那些几十年来努力建立真正先知事工的人。 祈求年轻的先知不会因那些已经或正在被揭露的人的失败而感到幻灭或误入歧途。 为新一代的先知祷告,他们会兴起,行走为圣。 覺醒禱告中心正在尋找 1,000 名禱告勇士,以培養他們成為各國的禱告領袖。在 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 上啟   I PRAYED

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Pray for Nevada | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known Prophetically as the “Transformation State,” Nevada achieved statehood during the American Civil […]

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Pray for Nebraska | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Unique” State, Nebraska is an agricultural icon in America. […]

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Pray for Montana | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Pure Atmosphere State,” Montana’s economy today is dominated by […]

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Pray for Missouri | 5050 Prayer Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Show Me Your Glory” State, Missouri is named after the Missouri Native American tribe. The states is home to the largest mammal in North America—the American bison—and is the top producer of mined lead in the U.S.

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Revival Among the Refugees

By the end of 2023, 110 million people had been forcibly displaced worldwide. Sixty-two million of them were internally displaced (forced to leave their home but not their country), 36.4 million were refugees, and 6.1 million were asylum seekers (refugees who sought sanctuary, legal protection, and material assistance in another country).

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Oraciones por Avivamiento entre los Refugiados

Según el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR), más de una persona es desplazada forzosamente de su país de origen cada dos segundos debido a conflictos, persecución, hambre o clima. Lee eso de nuevo. Más de una persona cada dos segundos. A finales de 2023, 110 millones de personas habían sido […]

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Prières pour le Réveil Parmi les Réfugiés

Toutes les deux secondes, plus d’une personne est déplacée de force de son pays d’origine en raison d’un conflit, de persécutions, de la faim ou du climat, selon le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR). Relisez-le. Plus d’une personne toutes les deux secondes. Fin 2023, 110 millions de personnes avaient été déplacées […]

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據聯合國難民事務高級專員公署(難民署)稱,每兩秒鐘就有不止一人因衝突、迫害、飢餓或氣候而被迫離開祖國。 再讀一遍。每兩秒就有一個以上的人。 截至 2023 年底,全球已有 1.1 億人被迫流離失所。其中6,200 萬人是國內流離失所者(被迫離開家園,但不是離開自己的國家),3,640 萬人是難民,610 萬人是尋求庇護者(在另一個國家尋求庇護、法律保護和物質援助的難民)。 流離失所的平均時間長達 17 年之多。據估計,還有 1000 萬無國籍人,即任何國家的公民,這意味著沒有任何國家有任何法律義務保護或照顧他們。 我們在聖經中看到難民。雅各和他的家人在乾旱期間逃到迦南(參考創 42-50)。摩西因擔心自己的生命安全而逃往米甸(參考出 2:11-25)。以色列人被趕出埃及(參考出埃及記 13-15)。 路得的婆婆拿俄米因飢荒逃離猶大地到摩押(參考路得記 1:1-7)。大衛以難民身分生活在以色列境外,躲避掃羅的暗殺企圖(參閱撒 1:20-31)。約瑟和馬利亞與耶穌一起逃到埃及,並在那裡作為難民生活,然後作為流離失所的人搬到拿撒勒(太 2:13-23)。 本月,覺醒祈禱中心正在為難民的復興祈禱。請造訪 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 加入運動。 讓我們祈禱: 祈求上帝滿足難民的實際需要,包括營養食品、清潔水和住所。 祈禱上帝保護難民免受人口販運者和其他試圖傷害或利用他們的人的侵害。 為帶著年幼孩子旅行的難民母親祈求恩典和力量,並祈求無人陪伴的難民兒童能夠與家人團聚。 祈禱上帝治癒遭受悲劇和創傷的難民的心靈。 為失去朋友和家人的難民祈求安慰。 祈禱結束繼續將無辜者趕出家園的恐怖和暴力。 求神繼續帶領難民到他們能聽到福音的地方。 求神興起更多講難民語言的信徒與他們分享福音,使他們能在基督裡找到庇護。 為面臨家人反對的難民信徒提供勇氣禱告。 祈求上帝保護相信的難民免受迫害。 為難民營和世界各地分散的難民的復興禱告。 想與我們更深入地為世界各地城市的復興和重大問題禱告嗎?如果您每月能為您的城市祈禱三十分鐘,您就符合資格。 覺醒禱告中心正在尋找 1,000 名禱告勇士,以培養他們成為各國的禱告領袖。在 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 上啟動中心、加入中心或贊助中心。 I PRAYED

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Pray for Mississippi | 5050 Campaign

But Mississippi has been plagued with long-term problems, such as high poverty rates, jobs that pay less than the national average, racial distrust and division, and limited education services. Indeed, Mississippi has the highest poverty rate in the nation, with a median income of $23,121.

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Pray for Minnesota | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Threshing Floor” state, Minnesota is home to key industries such as forestry, health, agribusiness, and retail. Many major national and international corporations and organizations have headquarters in the state, including 3M, Mayo Clinic, Target, General Mills and Best Buy. Minnesota is also home to The Mall of Americas, which is the largest mall in the nation. And, of course, it’s widely known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

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Pray for Michigan | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Restored Voice” state, Michigan is known for its automobile industry in Detroit (Motor City), music recording (Motown) lakes, fishing, and agriculture (specifically apples and cherries).

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Pray for Massachusetts | 5050 Campagin

Known prophetically as the “Mother of America” state, Massachusetts is one of the original 13 colonies and one of the six New England states. It may be best known for the landing place of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. 

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15 Prayers for the Worldwide Prayer Movement

The prayer movement is being sifted like wheat. While God is exposing hidden sins in the lives of prayer leaders, the enemy is working to disappoint and even wound the hearts of God-fearing intercessors in the nations. Our adversary, the devil, has decided it’s an opportune time to distract, delay, and drain the faith of […]

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15 Oraciones para el Movimiento Mundial de Oración

El movimiento de oración está siendo olfateado como trigo. Mientras Dios está exponiendo los pecados ocultos en las vidas de los líderes de oración, el enemigo está trabajando para decepcionar e incluso herir los corazones de los intercesores temerosos de Dios en las naciones. Nuestro adversario, el diablo, ha decidido que es un momento oportuno […]

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15 Prières pour le Mouvement Mondial de Orière

Le mouvement de prière est tamisé comme le blé. Tandis que Dieu révèle les péchés cachés dans la vie des responsables de la prière, l’ennemi s’efforce de décevoir et même de blesser le cœur des intercesseurs qui craignent Dieu dans les nations. Notre adversaire, le diable, a décidé que c’était le moment opportun pour distraire, […]

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祈祷运动就像小麦一样被嗅探。 当神揭露祷告领袖生活中隐藏的罪恶时,仇敌却在努力让各国敬畏神的代祷者失望,甚至受伤。 我们的对手魔鬼认为现在是一个分散、拖延和耗尽几十年来为自己的城市和国家奋斗的祷告战士的信心的好时机。 尽管有失望和攻击,我们必须采取立场反对敌人的诡计。我们必须团结在耶稣的旗帜周围。我们必须站在我们的瞭望塔上,击退黑暗,为信仰打那美好的仗,以确保神的王国降临,让他的旨意在地上实现。 本月,觉醒祈祷中心正在为全世界的祈祷运动祈祷。最近的丑闻和持续的抵抗正处于历史的关键时刻,现在是我们团结起来、一起祈祷、一起战斗、一起胜利的时候了。 让我们祈祷: 在祷告运动中为罪悔改。 宽恕任何伤害或令你失望的祷告领袖或代祷者。 为祷告运动中反对分裂和团结祷告。 为祷告运动中的裂痕得到医治,并为因领袖的罪孽而受伤的心灵得到医治祷告。 为祷告运动祈求精神上的保护。 在祷告运动中祈求耶稣的宝血。 破坏仇敌的指派,玷污祷告运动。 祈求圣洁渗透到每一位代祷者的心中。 祈求基督的公义能像过去几个世纪那样标记现代的祷告运动。 祈求代祷者在满足地球上许多需求的缺口上不会感到疲倦。 为代祷者祈求属灵和自然的力量。 祈求代祷者不要在面对不断上升的反对声音时放弃自己的使命。 祈求神呼召更多的代祷者来填补空白并发展全世界的祷告运动。 祈求祷告运动结出神圣、持久的果子。 呼唤祈祷运动向上。 想与我们更深入地为世界各地城市的复兴和重大问题祷告吗?如果您每月能为您的城市祈祷三十分钟,您就符合资格。 觉醒祷告中心正在寻找 1,000 名祷告勇士,以培养他们成为各国的祷告领袖。在 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 上启动中心、加入中心或赞助中心。 I PRAYED

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Pray for Maryland | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the Awakening the Seed state, the Baltimore Key Bridge has put Maryland in the news for all the wrong reasons. Beyond this tragic event, Maryland has been historically known for blue crabs, fishing, and the birthplace of the U.S. national anthem—The Star Spangled Banner.

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Pray for Maine | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the East Gate for the King State, Maine has been […]

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Pray for Kentucky | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Run with the Horses” State, Kentucky is rich in […]

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Pray for Louisiana | 5050 Campaign

Known as the “Government Mantle” state, Louisiana has the most diverse culture of any state in the union. Louisiana started as a French colony and is still known for its music, festivals, food and politics. There’s also Spanish, African, and Native American cultural influences there.

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Prayer for Kansas | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the Revival State, Kansas is known for oil wells, the Wizard of Oz, wheat and cattle production, great plans, scorching summers and freezing winters. (Let’s not forget the barbeque and the Kansas dirt cake!)

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Prayers to Stop Gun Violence

Gun violence is rising in the nations. More than six hundred people are estimated to die every single day at the end of a barrel. That’s over 1,700 people a month. As its name suggests, gun violence includes violence perpetrated with handguns, shotguns, semi-automatic rifles and other firearms.

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La violencia armada está aumentando en las naciones. Se estima que más de seiscientas personas mueren cada día al final de un barril. Eso es más de 1.700 personas al mes. Como sugiere su nombre, la violencia armada incluye la violencia perpetrada con pistolas, escopetas, rifles semiautomáticos y otras armas de fuego.

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20 Prières pour Mettre fin à la Violence Armée

La violence armée augmente dans les pays. On estime que plus de six cents personnes meurent chaque jour au bout d’un tonneau. Cela représente plus de 1 700 personnes par mois. Comme son nom l’indique, la violence armée comprend la violence perpétrée avec des armes de poing, des fusils de chasse, des carabines semi-automatiques et d’autres armes à feu.

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结束枪支暴力的 20 个祈祷

枪支暴力在各国不断上升。 据估计,每天有超过 600 人死于桶底。 每月有超过 1,700 人。 顾名思义,枪支暴力包括使用手枪、霰弹枪、半自动步枪和其他枪支实施的暴力。

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Pray for Iowa | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Supply and Release” State, Iowa is critical to the next presidential election. Candidates will spend months working to win voters’ hearts. That’s because, along with New Hampshire, Iowa voters help narrow the field of candidates who appear on the ballot. 

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Pray for Indiana | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “First Strike” State, Indiana played an important role in the Union during the Civil War. Indeed, Indiana was the first western state to mobilize for war. What’s more, Indiana’s soldiers fought in almost every battle during the war.

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Pray for Illinois | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Apostolic" state, Illinois has been a global leader with a strong economy. In fact, per capita the Gross State Product (GSP) in Illinois is among the highest in the U.S. and the overall GSP is fifth highest in the country. Illinois is also the fifth-largest exporting state in the nation.

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Pray for Idaho | 5050 Campaign

  As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the Treasure State, Idaho produces 72 types of […]

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Praying for a College Student Awakening

When you think of college campuses, you may think of frat parties, the Freshman 15 weight gain, or antisemitism, which is rearing its ugly head at universities around the world.

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Orando por el Despertar de un Estudiante Universitario

Cuando piensas en los campus universitarios, puedes pensar en las fiestas de fraternidades, el aumento de peso de los estudiantes de primer año o el antisemitismo, que está asomando su fea cara en las universidades de todo el mundo. Pero considere esto: el 66% de los graduados universitarios estadounidenses se identifican como cristianos, según el […]

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Prier pour L’éveil D’un étudiant

Quand vous pensez aux campus universitaires, vous pensez peut-être aux soirées fraternelles, à la prise de poids des étudiants de première année ou à l’antisémitisme, qui dresse sa vilaine tête dans les universités du monde entier. Mais considérez ceci : 66 % des diplômés universitaires américains s’identifient comme chrétiens, selon le Pew Research Center. C’est […]

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当您想到大学校园时,您可能会想到兄弟会聚会、新生 15 岁体重增加或反犹太主义,这种现象在世界各地的大学中抬头。 但请考虑一下这一点:根据皮尤研究中心的数据,66% 的美国大学毕业生认为自己是基督徒。 这令人鼓舞,但这并不都是好消息。 在接受调查的毕业生中,只有 51% 的学生表示每天都会祈祷,61% 的学生“很少/从不”参加祈祷、经文学习或宗教教育小组。 在其他国家,认为自己是基督徒的大学毕业生的比例甚至更低。 北卡罗来纳州立大学对 122 所学院和大学进行的一项研究发现,只有不到一半的学院为学生制定了宗教包容政策。 这意味着信仰不受鼓励。 在很多情况下,这是不鼓励的。 我们需要大学校园里的学生觉醒,并波及到教师、行政人员和其他所有员工。 我们需要大学校园的伟大觉醒。 神以前已经这样做过,我相信他还会再这样做。 本月,觉醒祈祷中心的主题是大学生觉醒。 请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 加入该运动。 如果您是高中或大学校园的学生,请申请学生祈祷中心,让我在 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/students 上为您提供装备。 让我们祈祷: 为大学校园有一个开放的天堂祷告。 祈祷校园里的基督徒——无论是学生还是员工——都能怀着敬拜和爱慕基督的心。 为耶稣基督在大学校园里充满能力和同在祷告。 祈求大学校园里出现征兆、奇事和神迹。 祈求学生能够准确地看到耶稣基督的荣耀和威严。 祈求对耶稣基督有新的热情和亲密的感情。 祈祷学生们能有一颗开放的心接受基督。 求神除去他们眼睛上的鳞片和眼罩。 祈祷学生和校园官员在处理迷失的灵魂时能够抱有谦卑的心态。 祈求远离任何阻碍与耶稣基督建立牢固关系的事物。 祈祷宗教自由在大学校园里保持强大。 祈求天父借着对耶稣基督的信心,启示天父坚定不移的爱、安慰和收养。 祈祷学生能够通过慷慨的同情心和传福音的行为,快乐地分享基督之爱的希望。 为学生祷告,保护无助的人,照顾孤儿和寡妇。 为学生们祈祷,为了耶稣基督的荣耀和喜悦,完成剩下的任务,向这一代的每一种语言、每一个部落和每一个国家传福音。 为大学校园内学生和员工的安全祈祷。 想与我们更深入地为世界各地城市的复兴和重大问题祷告吗? 如果您每月能为您的城市祈祷三十分钟,您就符合资格。 觉醒祷告中心正在寻找 1,000 名祷告勇士,以培养他们成为各国的祷告领袖。 在 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 上启动中心、加入中心或赞助中心 如果您是高中或大学校园的学生,请申请学生祈祷中心,让我在 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/students 上为您提供装备。 *我们根据大学祈祷日改编了这些祈祷要点。 […]

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Pray for Hawaii | 5050 Campaign

Known as the “Pentecost Harvest” state, Hawaii is a critical part of the union—and was a fertile ground for American Protestant missionaries in the 1800s.

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Pray for Georgia | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the “Governmental Gate” state, Georgia found herself in the spotlight in the aftermath of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Georgia is sure to be key again in 2024.

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Pray for Florida | 5050 Campaign

Known prophetically as the Forerunner State, Florida is seeing a population boom and an aging population. With so many retirees heading to the state, 25 percent of Florida’s population will be 65 or older by 2030.

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Pray for Delaware | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the First Fruit State, Delaware has plenty of bad fruit. The […]

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Waging War Against the Spirit of Antisemitism

Since the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reported a spike in antisemitic incidents across the United States. ADL reports 312 antisemitic incidents between Oct. 7-23, 2023. Nearly 200 were directly linked to the war in Israel and Gaza. All told, incidents of harassment, vandalism and assault increased by 388 percent over the same period last year, according to preliminary data from the ADL Center on Extremism. “When conflict erupts in Israel, antisemitic incidents soon follow in the U.S. and globally,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “From white supremacists in California displaying antisemitic banners on highway overpasses to radical anti-Zionists harassing Jewish people because of their real or perceived support for the Jewish state, we are witnessing a disturbing rise in antisemitic activity here while the war rages overseas.”

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Librar la Guerra contra el Espíritu del Antisemitismo

Desde la masacre de civiles israelíes por parte de Hamas el 7 de octubre, la Liga Antidifamación (ADL) ha informado de un aumento en los incidentes antisemitas en todo Estados Unidos.  ADL informa 312 incidentes antisemitas entre el 7 y el 23 de octubre de 2023. Casi 200 estaban directamente relacionados con la guerra en […]

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Faire la Guerre Contre K’esprit de L’antisémitisme

Depuis le massacre de civils israéliens par le Hamas le 7 octobre, la Ligue anti-diffamation (ADL) a signalé une recrudescence des incidents antisémites à travers les États-Unis. L’ADL rapporte 312 incidents antisémites entre le 7 et le 23 octobre 2023. Près de 200 étaient directement liés à la guerre en Israël et à Gaza. Au […]

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自 10 月 7 日哈马斯屠杀以色列平民以来,反诽谤联盟 (ADL) 报告称,美国各地反犹太主义事件激增。 ADL 报告了 2023 年 10 月 7 日至 23 日期间发生的 312 起反犹太主义事件。其中近 200 起与以色列和加沙的战争直接相关。  根据 ADL 极端主义中心的初步数据,骚扰、破坏和袭击事件总计比去年同期增加了 388%。  ADL 首席执行官乔纳森·格林布拉特 (Jonathan Greenblatt) 表示:“当以色列爆发冲突时,美国和全球很快就会发生反犹太主义事件。” “从加利福尼亚州的白人至上主义者在高速公路立交桥上展示反犹太主义横幅,到激进的反犹太复国主义者骚扰犹太人,因为他们真正或被认为支持犹太国家,在海外战争肆虐的同时,我们目睹了这里反犹太主义活动的令人不安的上升。”  本月觉醒祈祷中心正在为反对反犹太主义和保护犹太人民祈祷。 请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 加入该运动。  让我们祈祷:  赞美神,以色列的保护者神从不打盹也不睡觉(见诗篇 121:4)。 感谢他,他是一位公义和公义的神。 感谢他,他是立约的神,他不可能说谎。 赞美他,他的话语因他所发出的而兴盛,并且永不徒然返回。 为你心中的任何反犹太主义思想或口中的言语忏悔,包括反犹太主义笑话或下流言论。 悔改对犹太人的偏见和偏执。 代表您的家族、您的城市、州和您的国家对针对犹太人的暴力和压迫行为进行认同悔改。 代表教会悔改,她在那里延续了替代神学的异端。 神对以色列和犹太人民的计划和目的仍然有效。 束缚仇恨、恐惧、偏见和谋杀的精神。 松散的和平、保护、正义和拯救。 祈祷停止助长反犹太主义的谎言和偏见的传播——特别是通过媒体和教育机构。 祈祷真相能够在报道中得以揭露; 真相将会平息谎言、仇恨和偏见。 祈祷反犹太主义团体失去动力; 他们的成员会减少,资金也会枯竭。  祈祷奉耶稣的名压制那些使偏见长期存在的错误意识形态。 特别为那些正在塑造年轻人世界观的教育机构祈祷——真理将会占上风。 […]

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Prayer for Connecticut | 5050 Campaign

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as “The Favor State,” Connecticut is facing serious issues on many fronts. […]

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Prayer for Colorado | 5050 Campaign

  As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Breaking the Drought” State, Colorado has seen its […]

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Prayer For California | 5050 Campaign

  As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known prophetically as the “Crossing Over” state, California is rife with spiritual […]

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Prayer for Arkansas | The Exposing and Dislodging the Serpent State

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union.  Known prophetically as the “Exposing and Dislodging the Serpent” state, Arkansas, is tasked with solving today’s problems […]

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Prayers That Uproot Terror Cells in the Nations

We’ve seen the reality of terror cells in Israel as Hamas barged through the borders of the Holy Land. But make no mistake: there are terror cells underground in many cities and nations in the world waiting to release violent acts. A terror cell is often made up of as few as three or as […]

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Oraciones que Desarraigan las Células Terroristas en las Naciones

Hemos visto la realidad de las células terroristas en Israel cuando Hamás irrumpió en las fronteras de Tierra Santa. Pero no nos equivoquemos: hay células terroristas subterráneas en muchas ciudades y naciones del mundo esperando liberar actos violentos. Una célula terrorista suele estar formada por tan solo tres o hasta diez terroristas, normalmente islamistas radicales. […]

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Des Prières qui Déracinent les Cellules Terroristes dans les Nations

Nous avons vu la réalité des cellules terroristes en Israël lorsque le Hamas a fait irruption aux frontières de la Terre Sainte. Mais ne vous y trompez pas : il existe des cellules terroristes souterraines dans de nombreuses villes et pays du monde, attendant de déclencher des actes de violence. Une cellule terroriste est souvent […]

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当哈马斯闯入圣地边境时,我们已经看到了以色列境内恐怖分子的现实。 但请不要误会:世界上许多城市和国家的地下都有恐怖组织等待发动暴力行为。 恐怖组织通常由少则三人多则十人的恐怖分子组成,通常是激进的伊斯兰主义者。 恐怖组织承担着不同的任务。 例如,规划小组负责筹集资金并获取假驾驶执照、信用卡和住房,以及获取炸弹材料。 与此同时,潜伏的组织成员可能会在一个国家居住多年,而不会启动他们的致命议程。 奥萨马·本·拉登的一位前助手透露,即使现在,美国各地仍有数百个潜伏组织。 最后,当需要攻击时,执行细胞就会出现。 每个国家都面临恐怖主义的风险。 第十届年度版全球恐怖主义指数显示,袭击事件的致命性更高,每起事件的死亡人数增加 26%,这是五年来死亡率首次上升。 除阿富汗以外,世界其他地区的恐怖主义死亡人数上升了 4%。 2022 年,“伊斯兰国”及其附属组织连续第八年成为全球最致命的恐怖组织,袭击遍及 21 个国家。 本月觉醒祈祷中心正在祈祷根除各国的恐怖组织。 请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com 加入该运动。 让我们祈祷: 为你的国家进行认同性的悔改,因为他们允许激进的意识形态在福音应该盛行的地方生根发芽; 为各国教会的不祷告和冷漠悔改。 请求神圣干预来揭露隐藏的阴谋和计划,挫败那些试图给国家带来恐怖的人的努力。 为那些可能掌握有关恐怖组织信息的个人勇气站出来祈祷,并为他们在与当局合作时得到保护祈祷。 为恐怖分子的获救祈祷; 祈求上帝赐给他们耶稣的梦和异象。 祈求国际合作解决恐怖主义的根源,促进全球理解与合作。 祈求不同安全部队和机构之间的团结与合作,使他们能够在反恐斗争中无缝合作。 求上帝赐予各级政府领导人智慧和策略,以有效解决恐怖主义的根源,使瘟疫不再继续蔓延。 请求情报机构和执法部门获得神圣指导,以获取有关恐怖活动的准确和及时的信息。 为制定和实施有效的安全措施祷告,以便在恐怖分子造成伤害之前识别并摧毁他们。 为加强边境安全祷告,以防止参与恐怖活动的个人渗透。 为可能容易激进化的个人祈祷,请求保护、指导和对他们生活的积极影响。 祈求有一个公正而迅速的司法系统,确保参与恐怖活动的人对其行为负责。   为决策者在制定和实施有效应对和打击恐怖主义的法律和政策方面提供智慧和洞察力祷告。   为受恐怖主义影响的社区的康复和恢复祈祷,请求支持和资源来重建和恢复。   觉醒祷告中心正在寻找 1,000 名祷告勇士,以培养他们成为祷告领袖。 神使你有资格。 我们装备你。 请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com 加入该运动。   I PRAYED

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Prayer for Arizona: ‘The Greenhouse State”

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union.  Known prophetically as “The Greenhouse State,” Arizona has seen an economic boom in recent years—but there are […]

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Alabama: Praying for ‘The Reformer and Justice State’

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union.  Known prophetically as “The Reformer and Justice State,” Alabama has historically been in the national spotlight. Indeed, […]

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Prayers for Alaska | 5050 Campaign

Alaska is famous for its vast wilderness, midnight sun, and rich indigenous culture, including Eskimos. Although it’s separated from the rest of the United States by British Columbia and Canada—and was bought from Russia in 1867—the state is critical to the union. Indeed, Alaska’s location is a critical component of the nation’s ballistic missile defense […]

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21 Prayers for a First Nations Revival

The late evangelist Billy Graham made this pivotal statement to First Nations people in New Mexico in 1975: “You as evangelical Indians are a sleeping giant. You are now awakening. The original Americans could turn around and be the evangelists to win other Americans to Christ.” I believe those words still stand true today. Did […]

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Un Avivamiento de las Primeras Naciones

El difunto evangelista Billy Graham hizo esta declaración fundamental a los pueblos de las Primeras Naciones en Nuevo México en 1975: “Ustedes, como indios evangélicos, son un gigante dormido. Ahora estás despertando. Los estadounidenses originales podrían dar un giro y ser los evangelistas que ganaran a otros estadounidenses para Cristo”. Creo que esas palabras siguen […]

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Le Premier Reveil Des Nations

Le regretté évangéliste Billy Graham a fait cette déclaration cruciale aux membres des Premières Nations du Nouveau-Mexique en 1975 : « En tant qu’Indiens évangéliques, vous êtes un géant endormi. Vous êtes maintenant en train de vous réveiller. Les Américains d’origine pourraient se retourner et devenir des évangélistes pour gagner d’autres Américains à Christ. » […]

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21 为原住民复兴祈祷

已故福音传教士比利·格雷厄姆 (Billy Graham) 于 1975 年向新墨西哥州的原住民发表了这一关键声明:“作为福音派印第安人,你们是沉睡的巨人。你现在正在觉醒。最初的美国人可以转身成为传福音者,以赢得其他美国人归向基督。” 我相信这些话在今天仍然适用。 您知道吗?全世界有超过 4.76 亿原住民,分布在 90 多个国家/地区?事实上,土著人民约占世界人口的百分之五。他们属于 5,000 多个不同的土著民族,讲 4,000 多种语言。当耶稣谈到各种语言、部落和国家时,他也想到了原住民。 如果我们希望原住民的复兴能够点燃世界各国的伟大觉醒,我们就需要祈祷。觉醒祈祷中心本月的主题是“原住民复兴”。我们相信格雷厄姆的话是真实的,但仍未实现。 让我们祈祷。 开场祷告:我们怀着对生活在自己土地上的土著人民的爱和关心来到您的宝座前。主啊,我们将这些亲爱的弟兄姐妹高举给你,祈求强大的复兴席卷他们的社区。你的话语告诉我们,你希望所有人都认识真理并得救(见提前 2:4)。我们知道您的心向所有国家和部落敞开,我们祈求您的恩典来触动土著人民的生活。我对历代土著人民遭受的虐待表示忏悔。 悔改与宽恕:祈祷原住民社区能够体验到深刻的悔改感,远离任何阻碍他们与上帝关系的罪恶或偶像崇拜。祈祷他们能通过耶稣基督的宝血得到宽恕与和解。 精神饥渴:求神在认识你和不认识你的原住民心中点燃对正义的饥渴。祈求上帝吸引他们亲近他的灵,并恳切地寻求他的面,渴望以个人和深刻的方式认识他。 团结与治愈:祈祷上帝治愈过去的创伤,并在这些社区之间带来团结。祈祷上帝帮助他们彼此和解,并与那些虐待他们、夺取他们的土地、杀害他们的人民以及以其他方式伤害和压迫他们的人和解。 受膏领袖:祈求上帝在原住民中兴起受膏领袖,他们将大胆地宣讲圣言并以身作则,引导他们的人民走上正义的道路。 保护:祈求上帝以他神圣的保护包围土著社区。在他们走向上帝的旅程中,保护他们免受身体和精神上的任何伤害。束缚那些导致许多人生活脱轨的成瘾和自杀精神。 文化保护:祈求主帮助他们保护丰富的文化遗产,同时使其与神话语的真理保持一致。祈祷他们的文化成为他们表达对祢的信仰的容器。 接触你的话语:祈求上帝为原住民提供资源和机会,让他们能够用自己的语言接触到话语,并理解和接受福音。 精神觉醒:祈祷上帝将他的精神倾注在原住民身上,唤醒心灵和思想,让他们认识到救赎的美好。祈祷他们能以切实的方式体验您的存在和力量。 世代祝福:为原住民的儿童和青少年祈福。祈祷他们能在神的爱和真理的知识上成长,成为后代信仰的火炬手。 社区转型:祈祷第一次国家复兴不仅会带来个人转型,还会改变整个社区。祈祷爱、正义和同情心流经他们,影响他们周围的世界。 觉醒祈祷中心正在寻找 1,000 名祈祷勇士,为世界各地的城市和国家挺身而出。请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch。   I PRAYED

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7 Urgent Prayers for the Defense of Israel

Many lives have been lost in Israel at the hand of Iran-backed Hamas-driven terrorism. But make no mistake: Israel is not going anywhere. God is with Israel just as he was with Moses when the Egyptian army was chasing the Israelites to the edge of the Red Sea. God is with Israel, like he was […]

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Diez Puntos de Oración para Hacer Retroceder la Oscuridad en tu Ciudad

Las brujas se están reuniendo en masa en las principales ciudades del mundo para liberar el poder de la brujería e incluso la muerte. Los niños corren peligro debido a personas malvadas que se aprovechan de los inocentes durante las celebraciones oscuras. Los medios de comunicación están propagando la maldad y los establecimientos minoristas están […]

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10 Points de Prière pour Repousser l’obscurité dans Votre Ville

Les sorcières se rassemblent en masse dans les grandes villes du monde pour libérer le pouvoir de la sorcellerie, voire de la mort. Les enfants sont menacés par des personnes maléfiques qui s’attaquent aux innocents lors de sombres célébrations. Les médias propagent la méchanceté et les points de vente font de petites fortunes en vendant […]

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驱除城市黑暗的 10 个祈祷要点

女巫们成群结队地聚集在世界各地的主要城市,释放巫术的力量——甚至死亡。儿童面临着邪恶之人的危险,他们在黑暗的庆祝活动中掠夺无辜者。媒体在宣传邪恶,零售店则通过销售邪恶服装发了大财。 我们正处于一个不仅庆祝黑暗,而且还颂扬黑暗的季节。作为光明之子,我们被呼召让我们的光闪耀。我们做到这一点的方法之一就是通过祷告——让耶和华吉博参与这场战争,并保证黑暗永远无法战胜我们的光明。 使徒保罗警告我们,不要与那些暗昧无益的事相交,而要揭露它们(以弗所书 5:11)。我们可以揭露恶灵和恶人的邪恶阴谋,并通过代祷将其制止。我们需要站在瞭望塔上窥视敌人的营地,禁止他在我们的城市和国家的阴谋和计划。 本月我们觉醒祈祷中心的主题是击退黑暗的力量。在这个关键时刻,请与我们一起祷告! 悔改:祈求悔改的精神席卷整个城市,带领人们转离罪恶的道路。对于你所在城市历史上的任何不当行为请求宽恕。 属灵的洞察力和智慧:求上帝赐予代祷者、父母、老师、警察和其他人洞察力和智慧,以识别巫术和邪恶影响的迹象并推翻它们。 揭露隐藏的黑暗:请求上帝揭示并揭露您所在城市中涉及巫术或神秘活动的任何隐藏地点或个人。 神圣保护:请求上帝为你的城市和你城市中的人们设置一个保护盾,保护它免受一切形式的邪恶和伤害。 打破巫术任务:请求上帝打破并取消任何可能在你的城市运作的巫术或黑暗力量的任务。声明他们对这座城市没有权力或权威。 束缚邪灵:祈求耶稣的力量来束缚并驱逐任何可能影响您城市中人们的邪灵或恶魔力量。 拆毁据点:为打破任何可能使你的城市受邪恶影响的属灵据点祷告。 女巫和作恶者的悔改:为那些参与巫术的人的悔改和得救祷告,使他们脱离黑暗,拥抱基督的光。 圣灵之火:祈求圣灵之火净化你的城市,消灭一切形式的邪恶和巫术。 执法智慧:为执法人员祈求智慧和洞察力,使他们能够公正地履行职责并保护无辜者。 觉醒祈祷中心正在寻找 1,000 名祈祷勇士,为世界各地的城市和国家挺身而出。请访问 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch 加入该运动。 I PRAYED

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10 Prayer Points to Push Back Darkness in Your City

Witches are gathering in droves in major cities around the world to release the power of witchcraft—and even death. Children are in danger from evil people who prey upon the innocent during dark celebrations. The media is propagating wickedness and retail outlets are making small fortunes selling evil costumes. We’re in a season where darkness […]

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觉醒禁食兑现了 16 年前的预言

2007年4月21日,主在半夜叫醒我,对我说了很长的话,关于美国。从那以后的几年里,我经常读到这些话,并且我已经看到了这个预言的部分内容。我等待着最终的实现。我听见主说: “这个国家即将迎来一场伟大的觉醒。因为我听到了你们的呼声,我渴望治愈你们的土地……只有那些可以动摇的事物才会被动摇,以使这片土地上的罪恶得以暴露。 “悔改。我要求我的子民悔改,他们历代以来都允许敌人在这个国家占据一席之地。我要求人们为堕胎和不祷告而悔改。我需要为冷漠和偶像崇拜悔改。除了我之外,你们不可有别的神。我确实是美国之神。 “是的,这个国家即将迎来一场伟大的觉醒。我是它的作者,我将实现它。只要转离你们的恶行并谦卑自己。站在缺口处,补上对冲。我是主,我是战士。我不会离开或放弃这个国家。我将通过你并与你一起战斗,夺回失去的东西。 “现在要受到鼓励,因为当你们带着我的话语和我的灵大胆前行时,真理的声音将会在这片土地上盛行。大胆而清晰地讲话,并观看那些有权有势的人起来在城墙上、教堂和市场上就位。因为我正在培养这一代人的拯救者和改革者,他们不会在未来几天即将到来的挑战面前退缩。 “是的,在我的光芒再次从这个国家闪耀之前,天会变得更加黑暗。但光明并未熄灭,也不会熄灭。现在是站起来的时候了。我正在召唤你去参战。我呼召你悔改。我正在呼唤你到我身边。我是东道主的队长。我正在呼唤你走向胜利。我正在召唤你走向命运。你会回答吗?” 你会回答吗?无论你生活在美国还是其他国家,神都心怀复兴。他派遣耶稣来,以便没有一个人会灭亡,而是所有人都可以通过相信他的儿子而获得永生(见约翰福音3:16)。当我们响应上帝悔改和禁食的呼召时,我们就是在帮助塑造我们国家的历史。 天色渐暗 自从我发布这个预言以来很多年了,我们看到黑暗在增加。请记住,当主对我说这些话时,我不知道我们甚至需要一次大觉醒。我不是复兴历史的学生。那是在 2008 年经济大衰退之前,也是在同性婚姻合法化之前。那是在 Covid-19 之前。显然,我们需要一次大觉醒。 是的,天已经变得更暗了,而且可能会变得更暗,但我正在为神在这个预言中对我所说的光而奋斗。我正在为一场伟大的觉醒而奋斗——现在不仅在美国,而且在地球上的各个国家。我心中有国家。 至此,我整理了觉醒禁食,为期 21 天的禁食,以将这些话融入其中,并为上帝向我展示并多年来一直放在我心中的预言性觉醒提供策略。 我经常教导祈祷和禁食是一拳两拳。这就是我们在灵修和禁食中所采取的路线,我希望你能配合。 已故的安德鲁·默里(Andrew Murray)因其对祈祷的深刻启示而闻名,他曾说过:“祈祷是向看不见的事物伸出援手;禁食就是放弃所有可见的和暂时的事物。禁食有助于表达、加深和确认这样的决心:我们愿意牺牲一切,甚至牺牲自己,以实现我们对神国的追求。” 已故的德里克·普林斯 (Derek Prince) 表示,集体禁食、联合祈祷、圣灵的超自然恩赐以及公开赞美和敬拜成为获得强大而戏剧性胜利的武器。以斯拉和以斯帖在集体禁食后都看到了上帝的戏剧性干预。我们也可以。你会接听电话吗? 加入快速觉醒 那么,如何进行觉醒斋戒呢?首先,让我告诉你如何不这样做。我不建议干禁食。 (干禁食意味着不吃东西、不喝水。)其次,不要只喝水禁食,除非圣灵引导你,或者你的身体状况不允许这样做。 如果可能的话,在进行灵修时要禁食,并进行祈祷。欲了解更多有关快速觉醒的资源,请访问 www.awakeninghouseofprayer.com/fast。 21 天丹尼尔禁食似乎是合适的。但以理禁食是符合圣经的。它由水果、蔬菜、坚果、豆类和全谷物组成。您可以喝水或天然果汁。不含甜味剂、面包、肉、蛋或乳制品。 如果您因健康原因不能吃快餐、不能快速娱乐、运动、咖啡约会、抱怨或其他原因。禁食的想法是,你将通常花在准备饭菜上的时间花在神的面前。 禁食期间的祷告要点 主啊,谢谢你对你新娘的极大怜悯、恩典和耐心。你是良善的,我赞美你的圣名。 主啊,请宽恕我,因为我犯了罪,亏缺了你的荣耀。请原谅我的冷漠和自满。请原谅我没有成为您所呼召我的代祷者和见证人。洗净我一切的不义,使我洁白如雪。把我的罪孽抛到东离西那么远,不再记念他们。帮助我行事配得上我们的呼召。 我呼求你怜悯我的灵魂、我的城市、我的教会、我的国家——以及世界各国。您是一位仁慈的上帝,您的话语说仁慈战胜了审判。将复兴送入我心。为我的城市和我的国家带来复兴。 父啊,请让你的新娘对公义和圣洁充满饥渴。唤醒你的新娘,帮助我们回到最初的爱,以便我们能够向那些不了解你心的人展示你热情的爱。 父啊,让你的教会团结起来,为拯救来自各方、各部落、各国的灵魂而团结起来。让你的教会中不存在冲突和竞争。 父啊,请赐予你的新娘涂油,祈求庄稼的主派遣工人进入收割的田地,并不断地为各国灵魂的得救祈祷。 天父啊,请赐予我们热心,驱使我们与朋友、同事和家人分享福音,以便他们能够认识到耶稣是通往天父的唯一道路这一真理的救恩知识。 父啊,复兴那些曾经为祢而火热的不冷不热的信徒和半死不活的教会,这样他们就可以在大收成到来时对新信徒进行门训。让你的牧师和老师做好准备,帮助人们了解你。 父啊,我反对一切使国家陷入黑暗的恶魔影响。主啊,用光闯入,除去迷失灵魂眼中的眼罩,使他们能够醒来并正确地看见你。 天父啊,让神迹奇事跟随你的新娘,这样我们就可以向迷失和垂死的世界证明耶稣还活着,并且他深爱他们。帮助我们记住,您的仁慈会让人悔改。 圣灵,使罪人知罪不义,并认识到他们需要救主。 将你的灵倾注在你的身体上——以及所有有血气的人身上。赐予我们——也赐予迷失的灵魂——梦想和愿景,唤醒我们的心灵,让我们更接近您。软化他们的心,让他们准备好接受救恩的喜乐。 父啊,请将谦卑的恩典浇灌在万民身上,使他们能够转向祢并服务于祢在世上的旨意。 父亲,请治愈我们的土地。 加入觉醒祈祷中心 www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/ch。 I PRAYED

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Le Jeûne de L’éveil S’appuie sur une Prophétie Vieille de 16 Ans

Le 21 avril 2007, le Seigneur m’a réveillé à minuit et m’a parlé longuement de l’Amérique. Depuis lors, j’ai souvent relu ces paroles au fil des années et j’ai vu des parties de cette prophétie se dérouler. J’attends l’accomplissement ultime. J’ai entendu le Seigneur dire : « Il y a un Grand Réveil qui arrive […]

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El Ayuno del Despertar se Basa en una Profecía de Hace 16 Años

El 21 de abril de 2007, el Señor me despertó a medianoche y me habló largamente sobre Estados Unidos. He leído estas palabras con frecuencia a lo largo de los años desde entonces, y he visto cómo se desarrollan partes de esta profecía. Estoy esperando el cumplimiento final. Escuché al Señor decir: “Se avecina un […]

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The Awakening Fast Pulls on 16-Year Old Prophecy

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and spoke a lengthy word to me about America. I have read over these words often over the years since then, and I’ve seen parts of this prophecy unfold. I am waiting for the ultimate fulfillment. I heard the Lord say: “There is a […]

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9 Prayer Points Against Hunger & Famine

If you’ve ever skipped a meal, you know what it’s like to be hungry. But what if you didn’t even get one meal a day? What if you faced chronic hunger—and even famine. Hunger impacted between 691 and 783 million people in the world in 2022, according to The State of Food Security and Nutrition […]

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对抗饥饿和饥荒的 9 个祈祷要点

如果你曾经没吃过一顿饭,你就会知道饥饿是什么感觉。 但如果你一天连一顿饭都吃不上怎么办? 如果您面临长期饥饿甚至饥荒怎么办? 根据《2023 年世界粮食安全和营养状况》报告,到 2022 年,饥饿将影响全球 691 至 7.83 亿人。 这意味着世界上近 10% 的人口面临长期饥饿和营养不良。 该报告显示,儿童消瘦现象——一种因营养摄入不足、营养吸收不良和/或频繁或长期患病而导致的危及生命的疾病——正在增加。 受影响的儿童非常瘦弱,免疫力下降,死亡风险更高。 预计到 2022 年,消瘦儿童人数将达到 4500 万。 耶稣关心饥饿 这必定令主多么悲伤! 雅各书 2:15-17 告诉我们:“若有弟兄赤身露体,缺乏每日的食物, 16 你们中间有人对他们说:‘平平安安地回去吧,吃饱喝足吧。’却没有给他们 身体所需要的东西,对身体有什么好处? 因此,如果没有行为,信心本身就是死的。” 耶稣关心前来听道的群众,并坚持要求他们在踏上回家的长途旅程之前得到食物。 耶稣在马太福音 25 章 37 至 40 节中说了这些令人毛骨悚然的话: “那时,义人必回答他说:‘主啊,我们什么时候见你饿了给你吃,渴了给你喝呢? 我们什么时候见你作客旅,收留你,或赤身露体给你穿? 或者我们什么时候看到你生病了,或者在监狱里,来找你?”国王会回答并对他们说:“我确实对你们说,因为你们对我的兄弟中最小的一个做了这样的事。 ,你对我做了这件事。’” 对抗饥饿和饥荒的 9 个祈祷要点 尽管我们无法亲自养活所有人,但我们可以通过向为穷人提供食物的组织捐款以及祈祷来尽自己的一份力量。 本月觉醒祈祷中心的主题是对抗饥饿和饥荒。 祈求超自然的供应:求神供应那些遭受饥饿和饥荒的人,并提供奇迹般的供应,就像耶稣用五饼二鱼喂饱群众一样(见马太福音 14:13-21)。 祈求慈悲的心:求神软化你的心,也软化领袖和国家的心,以慈悲和慷慨的态度回应(见马太福音25:35-36)。 祈求农业祝福:求神赐福给土地肥沃的土地和丰沛的雨水,使之五谷丰登(见诗篇65:9-10)。 为有效的分配祷告:求神引导各组织和政府有效地分配食物和资源,以帮助那些急需的人(见使徒行传6:1-7)。 为可持续的解决方案祈祷:求上帝启示可持续的解决方案,使社区能够克服饥饿和贫困(见箴言 13:23)。 为和平解决方案祈祷:祈求上帝结束导致粮食危机的冲突和战争,并建立持久的和平(见诗篇 […]

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9 Points de Prière contre la Faim et la Famine

Si vous avez déjà sauté un repas, vous savez ce que c’est que d’avoir faim. Et si vous n’aviez même pas un repas par jour ? Et si vous faisiez face à la faim chronique et même à la famine. La faim a touché entre 691 et 783 millions de personnes dans le monde en […]

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9 Puntos de Oración contra el Hambre y la Hambruna

Si alguna vez te has saltado una comida, sabes lo que es tener hambre. Pero, ¿y si ni siquiera tuvieras una comida al día? ¿Qué pasaría si enfrentara hambre crónica, e incluso hambruna? El hambre afectó a entre 691 y 783 millones de personas en el mundo en 2022, según el informe El estado de […]

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Awakening Nations One Soul at a Time

I’m saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn’t let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris. The truth is, the intercession of the saints always precedes the salvation of souls. Put […]

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Warfare Prayers in Satan’s Battle Against Children

Mass shootings are rising in schools—and that’s not the only expression of the enemy’s war on children. Sexually perverse images and evil indoctrination in our educational systems are also part of the raging battle. The attack on identity is real, as are the implications of fatherlessness, poverty and hunger. Indeed, there is a war on […]

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Oraciones de Guerra en la Gatalla de Satanás Contra los Niños

Los tiroteos masivos están aumentando en las escuelas, y esa no es la única expresión de la guerra del enemigo contra los niños. Las imágenes sexualmente perversas y el adoctrinamiento maligno en nuestros sistemas educativos también son parte de la furiosa batalla. El ataque a la identidad es real, al igual que las implicaciones de […]

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学校中的大规模枪击事件正在上升——这并不是敌人对儿童发动战争的唯一表现。我们教育系统中的性变态形象和邪恶灌输也是这场激烈战斗的一部分。对身份的攻击是真实的,就像无父、贫困和饥饿的影响一样。 事实上,有一场针对儿童的战争。 “敌人正在对我们的孩子发动战争,”Generals International 的联合创始人辛迪·雅各布斯 (Cindy Jacobs) 在最近的祈祷警报中说。 “我们必须为我们的孩子祈祷,抵挡仇敌对他们的纯真、身份和未来的属灵攻击!” 本月,觉醒祈祷中心将发起针对儿童的战争。请记住,孩子是我们的未来。当他们成为下一任教师、医生和政府领导人时,我们的城市最终将掌握在他们手中。让我们祈祷: 祈求保护免受敌人的计划。宣告上帝对他们生命的信实,并祈求上帝在他们周围建立一道保护篱笆,保护他们免受一切形式的伤害,无论是看得见的还是看不见的(见帖撒罗尼迦后书 3:3)。 求神派天使看顾孩子。祈求天使在他们周围安营扎寨,保护他们免受各种形式的伤害和伤害(见马太福音 18 :10)。 打破黑暗对孩子的每一个任务。宣告上帝的神圣力量摧毁了可能试图阻碍他们生活的每一个据点和恶魔影响(见哥林多后书 10:4)。 祈求上帝赐给孩子们智慧和辨别力,让他们充满知识和理解力,使他们能够做出正确的决定并认识到任何形式的危险或伤害。祈求上帝使他们走义路,保护他们免受仇敌的诡计(见箴言 2:6) 祈求基督的福音之光能穿透学校、娱乐场所和其他场所和行业的黑暗,让儿童处于自然和属灵的危险之中。祈求上帝的光驱散他们中间的黑暗(见哥林多后书 4:4)。 祈求神赐给孩子们祷告的灵,使他们知道自己的权柄,并且有足够的力量抵挡黑暗的权势,而不是被他们引诱(见路加福音 10:19)。 为被敌人压迫或攻击的孤儿和儿童祈求神圣的正义。祈求上帝的正义会占上风,结束对他们造成的恐惧和伤害(见诗篇 10:18)。 为学校安全祷告。祈祷学校成为避难所和培训场所,而不是恐惧、暴力、灌输和死亡的场所(诗篇 122:7;ESV) 祈求父母积极参与训练他们的孩子行义(见箴言 22:6)。 为那些对儿童行恶的人祈祷,祈求他们悔改并找到救赎——然后成为解决方案的一部分(见使徒行传 26 章 18 节)。 觉醒祈祷中心正在寻找 1,000 名祈祷勇士,培养他们成为祈祷领袖——解决您所在城市和国家问题的预言家。启动集线器或启动集线器。在 awakeningprayerhubs.com 上了解更多信息。 I PRAYED

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Prières de Guerre Dans la Bataille de Satan Contre les Enfants

Les fusillades de masse se multiplient dans les écoles – et ce n’est pas la seule expression de la guerre de l’ennemi contre les enfants. Les images sexuellement perverses et l’endoctrinement pervers dans nos systèmes éducatifs font également partie de la bataille qui fait rage. L’attaque contre l’identité est réelle, tout comme les conséquences de […]

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9 Oraciones Contra las Furiosas Guerras de Divisas

Jesús lo profetizó: “Porque se levantará nación contra nación, y reino contra reino” (ver Mateo 24:7). ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué significa eso? Es más que ataques aéreos y ciberataques. Es una guerra económica, y ahora la estamos viendo librada a través de guerras de divisas. La guerra económica es el uso de medios […]

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9 Prières Contre la Guerre des Devises Qui Fait Rage

Jésus l’a prophétisé : « Car une nation s’élèvera contre une nation, et un royaume contre un royaume » (voir Matthieu 24 :7). Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que cela signifie ? C’est plus que des frappes aériennes et des cyberattaques. C’est une guerre économique – et nous la voyons maintenant se dérouler à travers des […]

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9 祈祷反对激烈的货币战争

耶稣预言说:“国要攻打国,国要攻打国”(马太福音 24:7)。你有没有想过这意味着什么? 这不仅仅是空袭和网络攻击。这是一场经济战——我们现在看到它是通过货币战争发动的。经济战是对一个国家使用经济手段以削弱其经济。有时这是通过关税来实现的,但我们现在看到的似乎是让东方对抗西方的策略。 美国是主要目标,但请不要误会——这远远超出了美国。 2020 年,我预言了全球重新调整的开始。我预言: “我们将开始看到国家、政党和教会的重新调整,这个过程将持续十年甚至更久。其中一些调整将以暴力为标志。其他人将带来更大的和平。” (整个预言都在我的网站 www.jenniferleclaire.org 上)。 4月,国际货币基金组织正式推出国际央行数字货币。通用货币单位(Universal Monetary Unit,简称UMU),符号为ANSI字符,Ü,在法律上是一种货币商品,可以任何法定货币结算货币进行交易。通用货币单位是从头开始重新构想的加密货币,以支持中央银行和受监管的金融机构。 同样在 4 月,我们看到金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非)采取了强有力的行动,准备挑战美元的主导地位。巴西和中国宣布了一项贸易协定,允许他们以本国货币进行贸易。相信其他国家也会效仿。 这个月,我们在觉醒祈祷中心的主题是货币战争,这一定会继续下去。尽管如此,我们还是可以祈求上帝的旨意在经济中得以实现。 让我们祈祷: • 祈求上帝的怜悯。• 祈求上帝赐予正义的领导者智慧来应对货币战争(箴言29:2)。• 祈求上帝扰乱那些试图破坏经济稳定的不义领袖的智慧(哥林多前书 1:27)。• 祈求不敬虔的国家结盟不会因破坏经济体系而繁荣(以赛亚书 54:17)。• 祈求敌人不要过早地改变有​​关货币、单一世界政府和兽印记的时代和法律(但以理书 7:25)。• 为腐败的曝光祷告;祈求正义和公义成为万国的根基(诗篇 89:14;箴言 16:11-13)。• 祈求上帝引导领袖和全球金融决策者遵行祂的旨意,并向他们指明要遵循的道路(箴言3:5-6)。• 祈祷公民抵制他们国家不正当的货币倡议。• 祈求超自然的财富和财富被释放给义人,这样即使在饥荒和经济危机中我们也可以资助上帝的项目和国度议程(箴言13:22)。 但愿。 觉醒祈祷中心正在寻找 1,000 名祈祷勇士,培养他们成为祈祷领袖——解决您所在城市和国家问题的预言家。启动集线器或启动集线器。在 awakeningprayerhubs.com/zh/我的账户/ I PRAYED

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9 Prayers Against Raging Currency Wars

Jesus prophesied it, “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (see Matthew 24:7). Have you ever wondered what that means? It’s more than airstrikes and cyberattacks. It’s economic warfare—and we’re seeing it waged now through currency wars. Economic warfare is the use of economic means against a country in order to weaken […]

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Prayers for Revival on the 7 Mountains

God gave Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) a world-changing strategy in 1975. Keep in mind that both men are evangelists. Their work is evangelism and missions. (Bright has since passed away). Their Spirit-inspired idea was to bring godly change to nations by […]

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17 Prayers for Right Now Revival

With revival breaking out on college campuses and churches across America—and around the world—we need to be careful not to miss the day of our visitation. Now is not the time to stop praying. Now is the time to pray more. Indeed, every revival in history started with prayer. Prayer births revival. Prayer sustains revival. […]

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14 Fervent Prayers for Gen Z

Generation Z—those born between 1997 and 2012—is rising. They are entering the workforce, entering politics, and entering the ministry. But spiritually speaking, this generation is in crisis. Forty-six percent of Gen Z say they’ve committed their lives to Jesus, which looks good on the surface. The challenge is only one-eighth are practicing Christians, according to […]

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23 Critical Prayers to Pray in 2023

Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Clearly, we didn’t heed the warning. 2023 will get worse and worse if we don’t pray more and more. As we go deeper into the end-times, we must be people of prayer. We must obey the Lord’s command […]

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21 Prayers to End Human Trafficking

Many people believe slavery ended over a century ago. Although slavery is no longer legal, or socially accepted, it never ended. Slavery doesn’t look the same as it did during the 300 years of transatlantic slave trade. Indeed, slavery has taken on a new face. Everyone should be free. And yet, through force, fraud, and […]

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11 Prayers to Drive a Great Awakening Among the Prodigals

It’s a shocking statistic! More than 80 and up to 90 percent of children who grow up in church are leaving the church once they reach 18. Sadly, only 40 percent return, according to Focus on the Family. I believe, with prayer, we can defy those statistics. Indeed, God is trying to wake up the […]

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32 Prayers for Revival and Mass Salvations in Prisons

The U.S. locks up more people per capital than any other nation, at the staggering rate of 573 per 100,000 residents, according to PrisonPolicy.org. All told, there are 1.9 million people in prison in America alone. However, that pales in comparison to the worldwide figures. According to World Prison Brief, there are more than 11.5 […]

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17 Violent Prayers Against Political Violence

I’ve had several prophetic words on political violence in recent months. I can’t shake it, especially after seeing the vice president of Argentina narrowly escape an assassination because the would-be-murderer’s gun jammed. It seems political violence is roaming about beyond Banana Republics and darker nations where the Gospel meets with heavy resistance. Political violence is […]

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How Do We Respond to Nations Violently Shaking?

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and spoke a lengthy word to me about America. I have read over these words often over the years since then, and I’ve seen parts of this prophecy unfold. I am waiting for the ultimate fulfillment. I heard the Lord say: “There is a […]

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Fighting Fentanyl Overdose Crisis With Prayer

Fentanyl has been making headlines lately in the midst of an overdose crisis raging in America. Doubtless, if we don’t shut this down in the spirit, this overdose crisis will soon find its way into many other nations. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid similar to morphine. Fentanyl, though, is 50 to 100 times more […]

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37 Prayers for the Suffering Persecuted Church

It was a Pentecost bloodbath and most Christians never heard about it. More than 50 Christians were killed in one of the deadliest terror attacks on Nigerians this year. Scores of gunmen rushed in to kill Christians in the midst of worship. All told, more than 360 million Christians suffered high levels of persecution and/or […]

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21 Prayers Against a Food Crisis in the Nations

Reports of potential famine abound. News media is repeatedly sounding the alarm that the war in Ukraine if fueling a global food crisis. Leaders from the G-7, which includes the U.S., Japan, Canada, the UK, France, Germany and Italy, as well as the European Union, pledged to do everything they can to address the issue, […]

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23 Prayers Against Economic Crisis

Inflation is at a forty-year high and is rising around the world. Interest rates are inching up. Consumers are seeing price hikes. Some economists are predicting a mild recession while other industry watchers are predicting an economic crisis in some parts of the world. And some nations, like Sri Lanka and Venezuela, are already in […]

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9 Urgent Prayers for the United States of America

Like many nations, the United States of America is getting hit on all fronts. Inflation is swelling. Health care costs, likewise, are rising. There are concerns about education, social security, reducing crime and defending against terrorism. Challenges in America abound. While the U.S. is taking point in rallying NATO in Putin’s war on Ukraine, her […]

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26 Prayers for Soldiers and Militaries as World War III Looms

Militaries in Europe are on high alert amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the wars and rumors of wars continue, no one can accurately predict what will happen next. We very well may be days or weeks away from World War III. The troops that make up most militaries are merely carrying out the […]

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Wars and Rumors of Wars Are Rising Amid Nationalism

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nationalism is driving the war on Ukraine. I prophesied about the rise and the danger of nationalism on New Year’s Eve 2021. I didn’t expect it to lead to war this soon.  Nationalism is “a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the […]

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10 Ways to Pray for Russia Right Now

The Russian people don’t deserve the leader they have. Russian President Vladimir Putin is behaving like a madman with his finger on the trigger of a nuclear bomb, making threats that could lead to World War III while crippling his own nation’s economy. Putin’s war on Ukraine has so far been a frustrating effort for […]

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21 Prayers for Godly Immigration Reform

Immigration reform is a hot topic—and has been. Some are for erecting walls at our border. Others are not. The debate can get vitriolic. Immigrants today make up about 14 percent of the U.S. population, according to Pew Research Center. But immigration reform is not just a U.S. issue. Immigration reform is an international issue. […]

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17 Ways to Pray for Israel Right Now

Israel is on the Lord’s heart in this hour. He calls her the “apple of His eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10; Zechariah 2:8). God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel (Genesis 12:2-3). One way we can bless Israel by praying for her. Now is a strategic time to pray for the […]

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22 Urgent Intercessory Prayers for 2022

Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Clearly, we didn’t heed the warning. I prophesied again on New Year’s Eve 2021 that 2022 would be a replay if we don’t pray. Do we really want more death, disease, inflation and more? As we go deeper […]

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Will Russia Invade Ukraine? Here’s Some Prophetic Insight

Will Russia invade Ukraine as Russian resident Vladmir Putin sets his sights on reestablishing some semblance of the Soviet Union? Recent reports seemed to indicate Russia was pulling back some of its troops from the Ukranian border, but a Forbes headline reveals “Reports Russia is Drawing Down Troop Buildup Near Ukraine Are Mistaken.” Michael Kofman, […]

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21 Prayers and Decrees to Bind the Spirit of Violence

Cities across the United States broke all-time homicide records in 2021 as the spirit of violence continues raging in America and beyond. According to CNN, at least nine major cities have broken their previous annual homicide records. As of late December, the network reports, here have been 513 homicides this year in Philadelphia, higher than […]

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Nearly 30 Years After Toronto Revival, Pastors Under Fire in Canada

Christians in Canada are under fire, while the Muslim population there as tripled in 15 years, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. “The religious landscape in Canada has undergone significant changes,” analysts wrote in a report. According to StatsCan, the proportion of Christians that averaged 90 percent in the 1981 Census and is currently 63 percent, is […]

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Prayers That Shut the Enemy Out of Our Education System

As we saw in the outcome of Virginia’s gubernatorial election results in November, many parents are up in arms over the lack of control they have in their children’s education. Youngkin tapped into pent up parental anger over decisions by their local school boards in the state, promising solutions and stressing parents have a right […]

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13 Prayers for Christian Missionaries Around the World

American missionaries are still being held hostage in Haiti more than two weeks after 17 people affiliated with Christian Aid Ministries were kidnapped. Kidnappers are asking for $1 million in ransom for each person under threats to murder them all, including five children. While we continue to pray for their release, it’s important to understand […]

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Sign of the Times: Bystanders Record Woman Being Raped

“Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12). Those are the words in red, the words of Christ as He described the signs of the times and the end of the age. This particular sign of the times manifested in Philadelphia in mid-October as passengers on a Philadelphia train saw […]

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What God is Saying About the Ethiopia Famine

The crisis in Ethiopia is a “stain on our conscience.” So says United Nations (UN) humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths as people are literally and unnecessarily starving to death. Ethiopia is expelling seven senior United Nations officials, just days after the UN’s aid chief warned the war-torn northern Tigray region was descending into famine due to […]

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Abolishing Abortion: A Kairos Moment for the Prayer Movement

With the House of Representatives adopting an abortion rights bill as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to weigh the issue, it’s clear the enemy is shaking in his proverbial boots. The bill would protect abortion services and pre-empt many restrictions Republicans have passed at the state level, such as those requiring ultrasounds or other tests. […]

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The Great Awakening 2021 Fast Pulls on 14-Year-Old Prophecy

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and spoke a lengthy word to me about America. I have read over these words often over the years since then, and I’ve seen parts of this prophecy unfold. I am waiting for the ultimate fulfillment. I heard the Lord say: “There is a […]

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Prophetic Insight Into the Taliban’s Next Moves

Afghanistan has fallen into the hands of terrorists. The Taliban entered the Muslim nation’s presidential palace on Sunday and sealed its control after a 20-year war. Afghanistan’s president has fled—and many others are trying to flee the country. Prophetically speaking, the war is not over. It’s just escalated in the spirit and will manifest in […]

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This is the Shaking Before the Awakening

With violence and plagues raging in the nations, I sense God’s desire to bring breakthrough in our cities, even mass salvations as those who don’t know the Lord grapple with deeper issues of life. Before every great awakening, there is a great shaking. Everything that can be shaken seems to be shaking in this prolonged […]

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Will Biden Lift the US Embargo Against Cuba?

As President Joe Biden wrestles over whether to end the United States’ embargo against Cuba—which originated in 1958 but was augmented several times until 1962 when it was extended to include almost all imports—the island nation 90 miles from Key West, Florida continues to see unrest. Now is the time to pray. In December 2019, […]

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Watchman Alert: Assassination Spirit Raging Against Government Leaders

In April 2021, the Lord told me we are going to see mysterious deaths and attempted assassinations, kidnapping and other events like we see in the movies. Since June, this word is unfortunately manifesting in five assassination attempts of government leaders—one of which was successful. Within the next three years, a major figure in politics […]

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Spirit of Violence Pounding Chicago; Nearly 300 Murders in Six Months

At least 10 people were shot Wednesday during two separate mass shootings in different parts of Chicago, authorities said, prompting some lawmakers to shake their heads as violent crime in the city continues to soar, according to Fox News. The Chicago Police Department said the Gresham neighborhood, where shootings occurred just after midnight, has seen multiple shootings this year. There have […]

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Watchman Alert: A Kairos Moment for Cuba

  When I went to Cuba in 1997, I cried myself to sleep every night over the conditions of the people. I was staying in the home of a Cuban family, and we spent many days together as they taught me about their nation. A year ago, I prophesied about a vision I had concerning […]

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Prophecy Points to Assassinations, Mysterious Deaths in Governments

In April, the Lord told me we are going to see mysterious deaths or attempted assassinations, kidnapping and other events like we see in the movies. Within the next three years, a major figure in politics will see an untimely death and suspicion will surround it—unless we can stand in the gap and push it […]

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Strategic Prayer Over North & South Korea Focuses on Revival

Being discovered as a Christian is a death sentence in North Korea. If you aren’t killed instantly, you will be taken to a labor camp as a political criminal, according to a recent report from Open Doors. “These inhumane prisons have horrific conditions, and few believers make it out alive. Everyone in your family will […]

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Prayer Movement Targets Racial Reconciliation

Billy Graham was once asked, “If you could eradicate any problem in America, what would it be?” The evangelist’s answer: “The racial division and strife in our nation.” America is not the only nation where racism has reared its ugly head, and racial reconciliation matters. Racism and hatred of other races is from the pit […]

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How Do We Stop the Shedding Young Innocent Blood?

By Osita S. Osagbue My heart was recently saddened when I saw the news headline stating that a precious two-month-old baby boy was missing from his home in Washington, DC. Even more devastating was to hear police officers announce a few days later that the baby was dead, and his mother had disposed of his […]

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Prophetic Intercession Over India’s Growing Crisis

India is in crisis mode. India’s second wave of Covid-19 has overwhelmed the healthcare system, leaving hospitals struggling to cope and critical drugs and oxygen in short supply, according to the BBC. The South Asian nation’s tally of infections now stands at 27.9 million, with the death toll has reached 325,972, health ministry data showed. […]

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Rebuking Covid’s Third Wave in the Nations

News headlines are prophesying a third wave of coronavirus cases in the nations. According to the Associated Press, the rise of coronavirus cases prompted scientists to say the United Kingdom is now in the midst of a third wave of the pandemic. “It seems almost certain that we will face a third episode of rising […]

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Prophecy: Let it Rain Salvation, Favor and Vindication

I heard the Lord say, “Let it rain!” We are in a kairos time for prayer answers, and now is not the time to let the pedal off the metal. Now is the time to press in, to press past the weariness and the flesh and make another push. Now is the time to believe […]

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A Season When Kings Go to War

The Lord told me, “This is the season when kings go to war.” So I began to meditate on what that means, because we are always in a war. As I meditated upon this, the Holy Spirit started showing me the difference between priests and kings in times of war and how we can’t go […]

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Can We Stop the Mass Murder Madness in America?

Ten people, including a police officer, were killed Monday after a gunman opened fire in a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, according to CNN. CNN reports the mass fatal shooting at the King Soopers store comes less than a week after shooting attacks at three spas in the Atlanta area left eight people dead. For clarity’s sake, the FBI defines mass […]

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The Spiritual State of Your City: The Next Great Move of God, Episode 004

What’s the spiritual state of your city? God is raising up intercessory prayer heroes, but you can’t win a battle until you know what you’re fighting. In this video, Jennifer helps you understand some important dynamics of taking your city for Jesus.   I PRAYED

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Oil the Shields: A Critical Intercession Revelation for This Season

“Arise, you princes, and oil the shields.” These words from Isaiah 21:5 are striking my heart in a strong. “Arise, you princes, and oil the shields.” Isaiah uttered these words in response to a “grievous vision” that sent him into travail, perplexed and dismayed him, and caused his heart to beat fast in overwhelming fear. […]

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Should We Hope for a Great Awakening?

The world is getting darker. Intercessors are weary. What should be our response? Is all lost? Should we hope for a great awakening? What will it take to see the next great move of God? Jennifer shares in this timely video a word of hope. I PRAYED

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Awakening Prayer Hubs to Raise Up Intercessors for Global Missions

Awakening Prayer Hubs, a global prayer movement under the Awakening House of Prayer banner, has joined with OneHope in a commitment to cover global missions in intercession. This strategic intercession and missions partnership will help raise up intercessors to bring the gospel to children all over the world. “We love what the Lord has done […]

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The Coming Great Awakening | The Next Great Move of God, Episode 002

There’s a Great Awakening coming. Although some would say it’s already here, there’s no evidence of transformation yet. In fact, we’re heading the wrong way in many nations. Nevertheless, there is a Great Awakening coming that will bring the greatest revival and perhaps the greatest harvest of the past 100 years. Join me for this […]

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Why it’s Critical We Wake Up Now

Some years ago, I wrote a book called The Next Great Move of God. The message in that book is more critical now than ever before. In this new series, I share with you why it’s critical we wake up–and now! Join me for this lesson and prayer I PRAYED

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If Every Intercessor Would Do This, We’d See Revival

There’s never been a more critical time to stand in the gap. What does that really mean? Standing in the gap is a selfless posture, a Christ-like posture. Standing in the gap is making a defense against an enemy attack. Standing in the gap is exposing one’ self to enemy fire in order to protect […]

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Covid-19: Brazil Hospitals in Emergency State

Hospitals in the Brazilian city of Manaus have reached breaking point while treating Covid-19 patients, amid reports of severe oxygen shortages and desperate staff. The city, in Amazonas state, has seen a surge of deaths and infections. Health professionals, quoted by local media, warned ” many people ” could die due to lack of supplies […]

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The Intercessor’s Response to FBI Reports of Violence in State Capitals

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man. Those were the words of Christ in Luke 17:26. And many believe that’s what we’re seeing now. In the days of Noah, violence filled the earth (see Genesis 6:5-13). Mankind was corrupt and God was grieved. […]

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Can You Guess the #1 Podcast on Apple Right Now? It’s all about the Bible

Believe it or not, the number one Apple podcast right now is not a news show or murder mystery – it’s a Bible study podcast. The Catholic group Ascension has launched “Bible in a Year” and it’s sure to educate and entertain listeners. Hosted by Father Mike Schmitz, the podcast contains a wide range of […]

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‘God Is Challenging Us’: Lecrae and Trump Faith Advisers Urge Christians to Put God’s Kingdom Before Politics

A prominent Christian rapper and some of President Trump’s top faith advisers are all sharing a similar message in the aftermath of last week’s violence on Capitol Hill: Put your faith in God’s kingdom, not politics. Grammy Award-winning hip hop artist Lecrae believes there is a “spiritual war” taking place within America and people are […]

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Sudan Signs Abraham Accords, Paving Way for Peace with Israel

Sudan said it signed the “Abraham Accords” with the U.S., on Wednesday paving the way for the African nation to normalize ties with Israel. Dubbed the Abraham Accords, the US- negotiated deals between Muslim countries and Israel are seen as a Major foreign policy achievement for President Trump’s administration. They are named after the biblical […]

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21 Urgent Intercessory Prayers for 2021

Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Some people respond to that glibly with, “Well, my 2020 was great.” Maybe so, but it wasn’t great for the people who lost loved ones, houses, jobs, businesses, their mental health and more. There’s never been a more […]

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Could This Set the Church Back 30 Years?

To say the church is divided over the U.S. elections, racism, whether to physically meet in churches, and any number of other issues is an overwhelming understatement. This disunity is beyond spots and blemishes. This strife is beyond differences of opinion and has strayed into the demonic. Ephesians 4 tells us Jesus gave the church […]

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China Sends Christian Journo to Prison for Reporting Wuhan COVID-19 Outbreak

Zhang Zhan, a 37-year-old Christian journalist in China, has been sentenced to four years in prison in Shanghai due to her reporting of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan; the epicenter of the viral spread that sparked the ongoing pandemic. The citizen-reporter was found guilty Monday by the Shanghai Pudong New Area People’s Court of “ […]

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Incoming Dem Leader Wants to Overturn Fed Abortion Funding Ban

Rep. Rosa DeLauro ( D-CT), who is set to take over the House Appropriations Committee in January, has vowed to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding from paying for abortions. “ The Hyde Amendment is a discriminatory policy “ , DeLauro added. DeLauro had previously indicated her desire to rescind the Hyde Amendment, […]

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Argentina Readies to Legalize Abortion

It would be a deadly shame—and we need to pray. The Guardian reports: Argentina is on the verge of making history as the first major Latin American country to legalise abortion. Its 72-member senate will convene on Tuesday to debate a bill that was approved by the lower house earlier this month to the delight of pro-choice […]

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83-Year-Old Pilot Donates Airplane to Facilitate Organ Transplants

After completing his final fight, an 83-year-old pilot from Massachusetts decided to donate his airplane toward a good cause by helping people in need of life saving organ transplants. Joe Michallyszyn is no stranger to serving others. He worked for 20 years with the Salem Police force until he retired in 1983 as a captain, […]

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Lauren Daigle Removed from New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Celebration for Sin of Singing Outdoors

Christian recording artist and Louisiana native Lauren Daigle has been removed from Dick Clark Productions’ Annual New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Celebration after the New Orleans Mayor demanded the singer be scrubbed from the event because she led a song at an outdoor worship event in November. Democrat LaToya Cantrell said the “ You Say “ […]

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Radical Muslims Place Bounty Christian Refugee’s Life

A Pakistani Christian who fled to Bangkok, Thailand following accusations of blasphemy against Islam is speaking out about the severe persecution he has endured since going into exile. Faraz Pervaiz, a human rights advocate who opposes the persecution of Christians, told CBN News that his situation has become dire as radical Muslims have increased the […]

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Is Russia Cyber-Attacking Our National Infrastructure?

Russian hackers working for the Kremlin are believed to be behind an attack into U.S. government computer systems at the departments of Treasury and Commerce that likely lasted months, according to an NPR report, but the Kremlin has denied the allegation. “We have been working closely with our agency partners regarding recently discovered activity on […]

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Pakistan Christian Murdered for Refusing Muslim Man’s Marriage Proposal

CBN News Reports: A 24 year old Christian woman was killed in Rawalpindi, Pakistan after her parents rejected a marriage proposal and an invitation to convert to Islam by two Muslim men. “Muhammad Shehzad and a man named Faizan shot and killed a woman by the name of Sonia”, reports International Christian Concern. Sonia was […]

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US Intel Director: China Could Be Greatest Threat to Democracy Since World War ll

CBN NEWS REPORT: US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe is sounding an alarm about China, calling the communist country, “the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since World War ||.” Ratcliffe oversees all of America’s intelligence agencies and provides the daily briefing for the President about threats facing the US. As I […]

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Woman Decapitated in France Church; Two Others Killed

The New York Post reports: A woman was decapitated and two other people were killed by a knife-wielding “terrorist” who shouted “Allahu akbar!” at a church in the French city of Nice — one of three attacks targeting the country on Thursday. Mayor Christian Estrosi said on Twitter the attack occurred in or near the Notre Dame […]

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Deception Rising: Pope Endorses Civil Union Laws for Same-Sex Couples

CNN reports: Pope Francis has declared support for civil unions for same-sex couples for the first time, according to the Catholic News Agency. The Pope made the historic remarks in “Francesco,” a new documentary film directed by Russian filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky, that premiered at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday. “Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They’re children […]

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Shooting in Utah: Riots or Revival?

According to the Salt Lake City Tribune: Police are looking for a suspect in a shooting that injured multiple people at a Salt Lake City park Sunday, FOX 13 reports. Three people were transported to area hospitals in critical condition around 4 p.m. Two of those people were shot, according to FOX 13. Police did not say […]

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French Teacher Beheaded in Paris

This is truly gruesome and grievous. The Associated Press reports: French authorities detained nine people Saturday in connection with the gruesome beheading of a teacher who had shown students caricatures of the prophet Muhammad, which is strictly prohibited by Muslim law. The Friday attack immediately captivated the attention of a nation otherwise distracted by a rapid resurgence […]

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China Bombshell Prayer


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Boris Johnson Still in ICU


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Prayer Points


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